String formAction = viewHandler.getActionURL(facesContext, viewId);
formAction = facesContext.getExternalContext().encodeActionURL(formAction);
String contentType = writer.getContentTypeWithCharSet();
ResponseUtils.ensureContentTypeHeader(facesContext, contentType);
String clientId = page.getClientId(facesContext);
final ClientProperties client = VariableResolverUtils.resolveClientProperties(facesContext);
final ProjectStage projectStage = TobagoConfig.getInstance(facesContext).getProjectStage();
final boolean developmentMode = projectStage == ProjectStage.Development;
final boolean debugMode = client.isDebugMode() || developmentMode;
final boolean productionMode = !debugMode && projectStage == ProjectStage.Production;
boolean calculateScrollbarWeight = false;
int clientLogSeverity = 2;
if (debugMode) {
String severity = (String) facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().get(CLIENT_DEBUG_SEVERITY);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("get " + CLIENT_DEBUG_SEVERITY + " = " + severity);
if (severity != null) {
try {
int index = severity.indexOf(';');
if (index == -1) {
index = severity.length();
clientLogSeverity = Integer.parseInt(severity.substring(0, index));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {/* ignore; use default*/ }
if (!FacesContextUtils.isAjax(facesContext)) {
HtmlRendererUtils.renderDojoDndSource(facesContext, component);
String title = (String) page.getAttributes().get(Attributes.LABEL);
writer.startElement(HtmlElements.HEAD, null);
// meta tags
// this is needed, because websphere 6.0? ignores the setting of the content type on the response
writer.startElement(HtmlElements.META, null);
writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.HTTP_EQUIV, "Content-Type", false);
writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.CONTENT, contentType, false);
// title
writer.startElement(HtmlElements.TITLE, null);
writer.writeText(title != null ? title : "");
final Theme theme = client.getTheme();
if (debugMode) {
// This tag must not be earlier, because the
// IE doesn't accept some META tags, when they are not the first ones.
writer.writeJavascript("var TbgHeadStart = new Date();");
// style files
for (String styleFile : theme.getStyleResources(productionMode)) {
writeStyle(facesContext, writer, styleFile);
for (String styleFile : FacesContextUtils.getStyleFiles(facesContext)) {
writeStyle(facesContext, writer, styleFile);
if (!productionMode) {
checkDuplicates(theme.getStyleResources(productionMode), FacesContextUtils.getStyleFiles(facesContext));
String icon = page.getApplicationIcon();
if (icon != null) {
// XXX unify with image renderer
if (ResourceManagerUtils.isAbsoluteResource(icon)) {
// absolute Path to image : nothing to do
} else {
icon = ResourceManagerUtils.getImageWithPath(facesContext, icon);
writer.startElement(HtmlElements.LINK, null);
if (icon.endsWith(".ico")) {
writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.REL, "shortcut icon", false);
writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.HREF, icon, false);
} else {
// XXX IE only supports ICO files for favicons
writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.REL, "icon", false);
writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.TYPE, MimeTypeUtils.getMimeTypeForFile(icon), false);
writer.writeAttribute(HtmlAttributes.HREF, icon, false);
// style sniplets
Set<String> styleBlocks = FacesContextUtils.getStyleBlocks(facesContext);
if (styleBlocks.size() > 0) {
writer.startElement(HtmlElements.STYLE, null);
writer.flush(); // is needed in some cases, e. g. TOBAGO-1094
for (String cssBlock : styleBlocks) {
if (debugMode) {
boolean hideClientLogging = true;
String severity = (String) facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().get(CLIENT_DEBUG_SEVERITY);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("get " + CLIENT_DEBUG_SEVERITY + " = " + severity);
if (severity != null) {
try {
int index = severity.indexOf(';');
if (index == -1) {
index = severity.length();
clientLogSeverity = Integer.parseInt(severity.substring(0, index));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {/* ignore; use default*/ }
hideClientLogging = !severity.contains("show");
// the jquery ui is used in moment only for the logging area...
FacesContextUtils.addOnloadScript(facesContext, 0, "new LOG.LogArea({hide: " + hideClientLogging + "});");
// render remaining script tags
for (String scriptFile: theme.getScriptResources(productionMode)) {
encodeScript(facesContext, writer, scriptFile);
for (String scriptFile : FacesContextUtils.getScriptFiles(facesContext)) {
encodeScript(facesContext, writer, scriptFile);
if (!productionMode) {
checkDuplicates(theme.getScriptResources(productionMode), FacesContextUtils.getScriptFiles(facesContext));
// focus id
String focusId = page.getFocusId();
if (focusId != null) {
writer.write("Tobago.focusId = '");
if (component.getFacets().containsKey(Facets.ACTION)) {
UIComponent command = component.getFacet(Facets.ACTION);
if (command != null && command.isRendered()) {
int duration = ComponentUtils.getIntAttribute(command, Attributes.DELAY, 100);
boolean transition = ComponentUtils.getBooleanAttribute(command, Attributes.TRANSITION);
String target = ComponentUtils.getStringAttribute(command, Attributes.TARGET);
String action
= HtmlRendererUtils.createSubmitAction(command.getClientId(facesContext), transition, target, null);
FacesContextUtils.addOnloadScript(facesContext, "setTimeout(\"" + action + "\", " + duration + ");\n");
= client.getVerticalScrollbarWeight() == null || client.getHorizontalScrollbarWeight() == null;
if (calculateScrollbarWeight) {
"Tobago.calculateScrollbarWeights('" + clientId + ComponentUtils.SUB_SEPARATOR + "scrollbarWeight" + "');");
} else {
"Tobago.Config.set('Tobago', 'verticalScrollbarWeight', '"
+ client.getVerticalScrollbarWeight().getPixel() + "');");
"Tobago.Config.set('Tobago', 'horizontalScrollbarWeight', '"
+ client.getHorizontalScrollbarWeight().getPixel() + "');");
UIComponent command = null;
if (component.getFacets().containsKey(Facets.RESIZE_ACTION)) {
Deprecation.LOG.warn("Please use 'resize' instead of 'resizeAction' as facet.");