{@link Transition} which invokes a {@link Method}. The {@link Method} willonly be invoked if its argument types actually matches a subset of the {@link Event}'s argument types. The argument types are matched in order so you must make sure the order of the method's arguments corresponds to the order of the event's arguments.
If the first method argument type matches {@link Event} the current {@link Event} will be bound to that argument. Inthe same manner the second argument (or first if the method isn't interested in the current {@link Event}) can have the {@link StateContext} type and willin that case be bound to the current {@link StateContext}.
Normally you wouldn't create instances of this class directly but rather use the {@link Transition} annotation to define the methods which should be used astransitions in your state machine and then let {@link StateMachineFactory} create a {@link StateMachine} for you.
@author The Apache MINA Project (dev@mina.apache.org)
@version $Rev: 592122 $, $Date: 2007-11-05 20:10:32 +0100 (Mon, 05 Nov 2007) $