Defines an address to {@link IoHandler} binding.This is used when specifying the addresses to accept new connections on when creating {@link org.apache.mina.common.IoAcceptor} objects using {@link IoAcceptorFactoryBean}.
Note that the address
property is of {@link}type. Use {@link InetSocketAddressEditor} or {@link VmPipeAddressEditor} inyour Spring configuration file to simply the creation of {@link} instances using Spring.
This class also allows for an optional service configuration using {@link #setServiceConfig(IoServiceConfig)} to be specified. If the bindingspecifies an {@link IoServiceConfig} {@link IoAcceptorFactoryBean} willuse {@link IoAcceptor#bind(SocketAddress,IoHandler,IoServiceConfig)} insteadof {@link IoAcceptor#bind(SocketAddress,IoHandler)} when binding. The{@link IoServiceConfig} object lets you specify transport specificconfiuration options and define port specific filters. This makes it possible to specify different filters depending on the port the client is connecting on (e.g. using an {@link org.apache.mina.filter.SSLFilter} when connectingon port 443 but not on port 80).
@author The Apache Directory Project (
@version $Rev: 555855 $, $Date: 2007-07-13 12:19:00 +0900 (Fri, 13 Jul 2007) $