// test-case to recreate the problems reported at
// http://eobjects.org/trac/discussion/7/134
public void testLeftJoinQueries() throws Exception {
DataContext dc = new AbstractDataContext() {
public DataSet executeQuery(Query query) throws MetaModelException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected String[] getSchemaNamesInternal() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected String getDefaultSchemaName() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected Schema getSchemaByNameInternal(String name) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Table tableAB = new MutableTable("tableAB");
Table tableC = new MutableTable("tableC");
Column colA = new MutableColumn("colA", null, tableAB, 0, true);
Column colB = new MutableColumn("colB", null, tableAB, 1, true);
Column colC = new MutableColumn("colC", null, tableC, 0, true);
Query q = dc.query().from(tableAB).leftJoin(tableC).on(colB, colC)
"SELECT tableAB.colA AS a, tableAB.colB AS b, tableC.colC AS c FROM tableAB LEFT JOIN tableC ON tableAB.colB = tableC.colC",