Package org.apache.maven.surefire.booter

Examples of org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooterForkException

        try {
            testsClassLoader = createClassLoader(classPathUrls, null, false);
            // TODO: assertions = true shouldn't be required if we had proper separation (see TestNG)
            surefireClassLoader = createClassLoader(surefireClassPathUrls, testsClassLoader, false);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException("Unable to create classloader to find test suites", e);

        int globalResult = 0;

        boolean showHeading = true;
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        Object suite;
        try {
            suite = Surefire.instantiateObject(className, params, surefireClassLoader);
        } catch (TestSetFailedException e) {
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException("Unable to find class for test suite '" + className + "'", e);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException("Unable to find appropriate constructor for test suite '" + className
                + "': "
                + e.getMessage(), e);

        Map testSets;
        try {
            Method m = suite.getClass().getMethod("locateTestSets", new Class[] {ClassLoader.class});

            testSets = (Map)m.invoke(suite, new Object[] {testsClassLoader});
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException("Error obtaining test sets", e);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException("Error obtaining test sets", e);
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException(e.getTargetException().getMessage(), e.getTargetException());
        return testSets;
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            surefireProperties = writePropertiesFile("surefire", properties);
            if (forkConfiguration.getSystemProperties() != null) {
                systemProperties = writePropertiesFile("surefire", forkConfiguration.getSystemProperties());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException("Error creating properties files for forking", e);

        System.out.println("cp:   " + classPathUrls);
        System.out.println("scp:  " + surefireClassPathUrls);
        System.out.println("sbcp: " + surefireBootClassPathUrls);
        List bootClasspath = new ArrayList(surefireBootClassPathUrls.size() + classPathUrls.size());


        if (useSystemClassLoader()) {

        Commandline cli =
            forkConfiguration.createCommandLine(bootClasspath, useManifestOnlyJar());


        if (systemProperties != null) {

        ForkingStreamConsumer out = getForkingStreamConsumer(showHeading, showFooter, redirectTestOutputToFile);

        StreamConsumer err;

        if (redirectTestOutputToFile) {
            err = out;
        } else {
            err = getForkingStreamConsumer(showHeading, showFooter, redirectTestOutputToFile);

        if (forkConfiguration.isDebug()) {
            System.out.println("Forking command line: " + cli);

        int returnCode;

        try {
            returnCode =
                    .executeCommandLine(cli, out, err, forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds);
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException("Error while executing forked tests.", e);

        if (redirectTestOutputToFile) {
            // ensure the FileOutputConsumerProxy flushes/closes the output file
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // the FileOutputConsumerProxy might throw an IllegalStateException but that's not of interest now

        if (surefireProperties != null && surefireProperties.exists()) {
            FileInputStream inStream = null;
            try {
                inStream = new FileInputStream(surefireProperties);

            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                throw new SurefireBooterForkException("Unable to reload properties file from forked process", e);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new SurefireBooterForkException("Unable to reload properties file from forked process", e);
            } finally {

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        if (useJar) {
            File jarFile;
            try {
                jarFile = createJar(classPath);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new SurefireBooterForkException("Error creating archive file", e);


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                        globalResult = globalResult.aggregate( cur );
                        throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "No results for " + result.toString() );
                catch ( InterruptedException e )
                    throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Interrupted", e );
                catch ( ExecutionException e )
                    throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "ExecutionException", e );
            return globalResult;

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                        globalResult = globalResult.aggregate( cur );
                        throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "No results for " + result.toString() );
                catch ( InterruptedException e )
                    throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Interrupted", e );
                catch ( ExecutionException e )
                    throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "ExecutionException", e );
            return globalResult;

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            // Should stop immediately, as we got all the results if we are here
            executorService.awaitTermination( 60 * 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        catch ( InterruptedException e )
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Interrupted", e );
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                                                               forkConfiguration.isDebug() );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error creating properties files for forking", e );

        // this could probably be simplified further
        final Classpath bootClasspathConfiguration = startupConfiguration.isProviderMainClass()
            ? startupConfiguration.getClasspathConfiguration().getProviderClasspath()
            : forkConfiguration.getBootClasspath();

        Classpath bootClasspath = join(
            join( bootClasspathConfiguration, startupConfiguration.getClasspathConfiguration().getTestClasspath() ),
            startupConfiguration.getClasspathConfiguration().getProviderClasspath() );

        if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
            log.debug( bootClasspath.getLogMessage( "boot" ) );
            log.debug( bootClasspath.getCompactLogMessage( "boot(compact)" ) );
        OutputStreamFlushableCommandline cli =
            forkConfiguration.createCommandLine( bootClasspath.getClassPath(), startupConfiguration, forkNumber );

        final InputStreamCloser inputStreamCloser;
        final Thread inputStreamCloserHook;
        if ( testProvidingInputStream != null )
            testProvidingInputStream.setFlushReceiverProvider( cli );
            inputStreamCloser = new InputStreamCloser( testProvidingInputStream );
            inputStreamCloserHook = new Thread( inputStreamCloser );
            ShutdownHookUtils.addShutDownHook( inputStreamCloserHook );
            inputStreamCloser = null;
            inputStreamCloserHook = null;

        cli.createArg().setFile( surefireProperties );

        if ( systPropsFile != null )
            cli.createArg().setFile( systPropsFile );

        ThreadedStreamConsumer threadedStreamConsumer = new ThreadedStreamConsumer( forkClient );

        if ( forkConfiguration.isDebug() )
            System.out.println( "Forking command line: " + cli );

        RunResult runResult = null;

            final int timeout = forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds > 0 ? forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds : 0;
            final int result =
                CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( cli, testProvidingInputStream, threadedStreamConsumer,
                                                     threadedStreamConsumer, timeout, inputStreamCloser );
            if ( result != RunResult.SUCCESS )
                throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error occurred in starting fork, check output in log" );

        catch ( CommandLineTimeOutException e )
            runResult = RunResult.timeout( defaultReporterFactory.getGlobalRunStatistics().getRunResult() );
        catch ( CommandLineException e )
            runResult = RunResult.failure( defaultReporterFactory.getGlobalRunStatistics().getRunResult(), e );
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error while executing forked tests.", e.getCause() );
            if ( inputStreamCloser != null )
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            SurefireProvider surefireProvider = providerFactory.createProvider( false );
            return surefireProvider.getSuites();
        catch ( SurefireExecutionException e )
            throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Unable to create classloader to find test suites", e );
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                jarFile = createJar( classPath, providerThatHasMainMethod );
            catch ( IOException e )
                throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error creating archive file", e );

            cli.createArg().setValue( "-jar" );

            cli.createArg().setValue( jarFile.getAbsolutePath() );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooterForkException

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