// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forking
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ForkConfiguration fork = new ForkConfiguration();
if ( project.getPackaging().equals( "nar" ) || ( getNarArtifacts().size() > 0 ) )
forkMode = "pertest";
fork.setForkMode( forkMode );
processSystemProperties( !fork.isForking() );
if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
showMap( systemProperties, "system property" );
if ( fork.isForking() )
useSystemClassLoader = useSystemClassLoader == null ? Boolean.TRUE : useSystemClassLoader;
fork.setUseSystemClassLoader( useSystemClassLoader.booleanValue() );
fork.setUseManifestOnlyJar( useManifestOnlyJar );
fork.setSystemProperties( systemProperties );
if ( "true".equals( debugForkedProcess ) )
debugForkedProcess =
"-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005";
fork.setDebugLine( debugForkedProcess );
if ( jvm == null || "".equals( jvm ) )
// use the same JVM as the one used to run Maven (the "java.home" one)
jvm = System.getProperty( "java.home" ) + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java";
getLog().debug( "Using JVM: " + jvm );
fork.setJvmExecutable( jvm );
if ( workingDirectory != null )
fork.setWorkingDirectory( workingDirectory );
fork.setWorkingDirectory( basedir );
if ( argLine == null )
argLine = "";
StringBuffer javaLibraryPath = new StringBuffer();
if ( testJNIModule() )
// Add libraries to java.library.path for testing
File jniLibraryPathEntry =
getLayout().getLibDirectory( getTargetDirectory(), getMavenProject().getArtifactId(),
getMavenProject().getVersion(), getAOL().toString(), Library.JNI );
if ( jniLibraryPathEntry.exists() )
getLog().debug( "Adding library directory to java.library.path: " + jniLibraryPathEntry );
if ( javaLibraryPath.length() > 0 )
javaLibraryPath.append( File.pathSeparator );
javaLibraryPath.append( jniLibraryPathEntry );
File sharedLibraryPathEntry =
getLayout().getLibDirectory( getTargetDirectory(), getMavenProject().getArtifactId(),
getMavenProject().getVersion(), getAOL().toString(), Library.SHARED );
if ( sharedLibraryPathEntry.exists() )
getLog().debug( "Adding library directory to java.library.path: " + sharedLibraryPathEntry );
if ( javaLibraryPath.length() > 0 )
javaLibraryPath.append( File.pathSeparator );
javaLibraryPath.append( sharedLibraryPathEntry );
// add jar file to classpath, as one may want to read a
// properties file for artifactId and version
String narFile = "target/" + project.getArtifactId() + "-" + project.getVersion() + ".jar";
getLog().debug( "Adding to surefire test classpath: " + narFile );
surefireBooter.addClassPathUrl( narFile );
List dependencies = getNarArtifacts(); // TODO: get seems heavy, not sure if we can push this up to before the fork to use it multiple times.
for ( Iterator i = dependencies.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
NarArtifact dependency = (NarArtifact) i.next();
// FIXME this should be overridable
// NarInfo info = dependency.getNarInfo();
// String binding = info.getBinding(getAOL(), Library.STATIC);
// NOTE: fixed to shared, jni
String[] bindings = { Library.SHARED, Library.JNI };
for ( int j = 0; j < bindings.length; j++ )
String binding = bindings[j];
if ( !binding.equals( Library.STATIC ) )
File depLibPathEntry =
getLayout().getLibDirectory( getUnpackDirectory(), dependency.getArtifactId(),
dependency.getVersion(), getAOL().toString(), binding );
if ( depLibPathEntry.exists() )
getLog().debug( "Adding dependency directory to java.library.path: " + depLibPathEntry );
if ( javaLibraryPath.length() > 0 )
javaLibraryPath.append( File.pathSeparator );
javaLibraryPath.append( depLibPathEntry );
// add final javalibrary path
if ( javaLibraryPath.length() > 0 )
// NOTE java.library.path only works for the jni lib itself, and
// not for its dependent shareables.
// NOTE: java.library.path does not work with arguments with
// spaces as
// SureFireBooter splits the line in parts and then quotes
// it wrongly
NarUtil.addLibraryPathToEnv( javaLibraryPath.toString(), environmentVariables, getOS() );
// necessary to find WinSxS
if ( getOS().equals( OS.WINDOWS ) )
environmentVariables.put( "SystemRoot", NarUtil.getEnv( "SystemRoot", "SystemRoot", "C:\\Windows" ) );
fork.setArgLine( argLine );
fork.setEnvironmentVariables( environmentVariables );
if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
showMap( environmentVariables, "environment variable" );
fork.setDebug( true );
if ( argLine != null )
List args = Arrays.asList( argLine.split( " " ) );
if ( args.contains( "-da" ) || args.contains( "-disableassertions" ) )
enableAssertions = false;
surefireBooter.setFailIfNoTests( failIfNoTests == null ? false : failIfNoTests.booleanValue() );
surefireBooter.setForkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds( forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds );
surefireBooter.setRedirectTestOutputToFile( redirectTestOutputToFile );
surefireBooter.setForkConfiguration( fork );
surefireBooter.setChildDelegation( childDelegation );
surefireBooter.setEnableAssertions( enableAssertions );
surefireBooter.setReportsDirectory( reportsDirectory );
addReporters( surefireBooter, fork.isForking() );
return surefireBooter;