Package org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase

Examples of org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase.RunPerformGoalsPhase

        releaseDescriptor.setPerformGoals( "goal1 goal2" );
        File checkoutDirectory = getTestFile( "target/checkout-directory" );
        releaseDescriptor.setCheckoutDirectory( checkoutDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );

        MavenExecutor mock = mock( MavenExecutor.class );
        RunPerformGoalsPhase phase = (RunPerformGoalsPhase) lookup( ReleasePhase.ROLE, "run-perform-goals" );
        phase.setMavenExecutor( mock );

        ScmProvider scmProviderMock = mock( ScmProvider.class );
        when( scmProviderMock.checkOut( isA( ScmRepository.class ),
                                        argThat( new IsScmFileSetEquals( new ScmFileSet( checkoutDirectory ) ) ),
                                        isA( ScmTag.class ) ) ).thenReturn( new CheckOutScmResult( "...", Collections.<ScmFile>emptyList() ) );
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        releaseDescriptor.setPerformGoals( "goal1 goal2" );
        File checkoutDirectory = getTestFile( "target/checkout-directory" );
        releaseDescriptor.setCheckoutDirectory( checkoutDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );

        MavenExecutor mock = mock( MavenExecutor.class );
        RunPerformGoalsPhase phase = (RunPerformGoalsPhase) lookup( ReleasePhase.ROLE, "run-perform-goals" );
        phase.setMavenExecutor( mock );

        ScmProvider scmProviderMock = mock( ScmProvider.class );
        when( scmProviderMock.checkOut( isA( ScmRepository.class ),
                                        argThat( new IsScmFileSetEquals( new ScmFileSet( checkoutDirectory ) ) ),
                                        isA( ScmTag.class ) ) ).thenReturn( new CheckOutScmResult( "...", Collections.<ScmFile>emptyList() ) );
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        releaseDescriptor.setPerformGoals( "goal1 goal2" );
        File checkoutDirectory = getTestFile( "target/checkout-directory" );
        releaseDescriptor.setCheckoutDirectory( checkoutDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );

        MavenExecutor mock = mock( MavenExecutor.class );
        RunPerformGoalsPhase phase = (RunPerformGoalsPhase) lookup( ReleasePhase.ROLE, "run-perform-goals" );
        phase.setMavenExecutor( mock );

        ScmProvider scmProviderMock = mock( ScmProvider.class );
        when( scmProviderMock.checkOut( isA( ScmRepository.class ),
                                        argThat( new IsScmFileSetEquals( new ScmFileSet( checkoutDirectory ) ) ),
                                        isA( ScmTag.class ) ) ).thenReturn( new CheckOutScmResult( "...", Collections.<ScmFile>emptyList() ) );
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        releaseDescriptor.setPerformGoals( "goal1 goal2" );
        File checkoutDirectory = getTestFile( "target/checkout-directory" );
        releaseDescriptor.setCheckoutDirectory( checkoutDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );

        MavenExecutor mock = mock( MavenExecutor.class );
        RunPerformGoalsPhase phase = (RunPerformGoalsPhase) lookup( ReleasePhase.ROLE, "run-perform-goals" );
        phase.setMavenExecutor( mock );

        ScmProvider scmProviderMock = mock( ScmProvider.class );
        when( scmProviderMock.checkOut( isA( ScmRepository.class ),
                                        argThat( new IsScmFileSetEquals( new ScmFileSet( checkoutDirectory ) ) ),
                                        isA( ScmTag.class ) ) ).thenReturn( new CheckOutScmResult( "...", Collections.<ScmFile>emptyList() ) );
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        releaseDescriptor.setPerformGoals( "goal1 goal2" );
        File checkoutDirectory = getTestFile( "target/checkout-directory" );
        releaseDescriptor.setCheckoutDirectory( checkoutDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );

        MavenExecutor mock = mock( MavenExecutor.class );
        RunPerformGoalsPhase phase = (RunPerformGoalsPhase) lookup( ReleasePhase.ROLE, "run-perform-goals" );
        phase.setMavenExecutor( mock );

        ScmProvider scmProviderMock = mock( ScmProvider.class );
        when( scmProviderMock.checkOut( isA( ScmRepository.class ),
                                        argThat( new IsScmFileSetEquals( new ScmFileSet( checkoutDirectory ) ) ),
                                        isA( ScmTag.class ) ) ).thenReturn( new CheckOutScmResult( "...", Collections.<ScmFile>emptyList() ) );
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        Mock mock = new Mock( MavenExecutor.class );
        Constraint[] constraints = new Constraint[]{new IsSame( checkoutDirectory ), new IsEqual( "goal1 goal2" ),
            new IsEqual( Boolean.TRUE ), new IsEqual( "-DperformRelease=true" ), new IsNull(), new IsAnything()};
        mock.expects( new InvokeOnceMatcher() ).method( "executeGoals" ).with( constraints );
        RunPerformGoalsPhase phase = (RunPerformGoalsPhase) lookup( ReleasePhase.ROLE, "run-perform-goals" );
        phase.setMavenExecutor( (MavenExecutor) mock.proxy() );

        Mock scmProviderMock = new Mock( ScmProvider.class );
        constraints = new Constraint[]{new IsAnything(), new IsScmFileSetEquals( new ScmFileSet( checkoutDirectory ) ),
            new IsInstanceOf( ScmTag.class )};
        scmProviderMock.expects( new InvokeOnceMatcher() ).method( "checkOut" ).with( constraints ).will(
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        Mock mock = new Mock( MavenExecutor.class );
        Constraint[] constraints = new Constraint[]{new IsSame( checkoutDirectory ), new IsEqual( "goal1 goal2" ),
            new IsEqual( Boolean.TRUE ), new IsNull(), new IsNull(), new IsAnything()};
        mock.expects( new InvokeOnceMatcher() ).method( "executeGoals" ).with( constraints );
        RunPerformGoalsPhase phase = (RunPerformGoalsPhase) lookup( ReleasePhase.ROLE, "run-perform-goals" );
        phase.setMavenExecutor( (MavenExecutor) mock.proxy() );

        Mock scmProviderMock = new Mock( ScmProvider.class );
        constraints = new Constraint[]{new IsAnything(), new IsScmFileSetEquals( new ScmFileSet( checkoutDirectory ) ),
            new IsInstanceOf( ScmTag.class )};
        scmProviderMock.expects( new InvokeOnceMatcher() ).method( "checkOut" ).with( constraints ).will(
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        Mock mock = new Mock( MavenExecutor.class );
        Constraint[] constraints = new Constraint[]{new IsSame( checkoutDirectory ), new IsEqual( "goal1 goal2" ),
            new IsEqual( Boolean.TRUE ), new IsEqual( "-Dmaven.test.skip=true -DperformRelease=true" ), new IsNull(),
            new IsAnything()};
        mock.expects( new InvokeOnceMatcher() ).method( "executeGoals" ).with( constraints );
        RunPerformGoalsPhase phase = (RunPerformGoalsPhase) lookup( ReleasePhase.ROLE, "run-perform-goals" );
        phase.setMavenExecutor( (MavenExecutor) mock.proxy() );

        Mock scmProviderMock = new Mock( ScmProvider.class );
        constraints = new Constraint[]{new IsAnything(), new IsScmFileSetEquals( new ScmFileSet( checkoutDirectory ) ),
            new IsInstanceOf( ScmTag.class )};
        scmProviderMock.expects( new InvokeOnceMatcher() ).method( "checkOut" ).with( constraints ).will(
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        Mock mock = new Mock( MavenExecutor.class );
        Constraint[] constraints = new Constraint[]{new IsSame( checkoutDirectory ), new IsEqual( "goal1 goal2" ),
            new IsEqual( Boolean.TRUE ), new IsEqual( "-Dmaven.test.skip=true" ), new IsNull(), new IsAnything()};
        mock.expects( new InvokeOnceMatcher() ).method( "executeGoals" ).with( constraints );
        RunPerformGoalsPhase phase = (RunPerformGoalsPhase) lookup( ReleasePhase.ROLE, "run-perform-goals" );
        phase.setMavenExecutor( (MavenExecutor) mock.proxy() );

        Mock scmProviderMock = new Mock( ScmProvider.class );
        constraints = new Constraint[]{new IsAnything(), new IsScmFileSetEquals( new ScmFileSet( checkoutDirectory ) ),
            new IsInstanceOf( ScmTag.class )};
        scmProviderMock.expects( new InvokeOnceMatcher() ).method( "checkOut" ).with( constraints ).will(
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        Mock mock = new Mock( MavenExecutor.class );
        Constraint[] constraints = new Constraint[]{new IsSame( checkoutDirectory ), new IsEqual( "goal1 goal2" ),
            new IsEqual( Boolean.TRUE ), new IsEqual( "-DperformRelease=true" ), new IsNull(), new IsAnything()};
        mock.expects( new InvokeOnceMatcher() ).method( "executeGoals" ).with( constraints );
        RunPerformGoalsPhase phase = (RunPerformGoalsPhase) lookup( ReleasePhase.ROLE, "run-perform-goals" );
        phase.setMavenExecutor( (MavenExecutor) mock.proxy() );

        Mock scmProviderMock = new Mock( ScmProvider.class );
        constraints = new Constraint[]{new IsAnything(), new IsScmFileSetEquals( new ScmFileSet( checkoutDirectory ) ),
            new IsInstanceOf( ScmTag.class )};
        scmProviderMock.expects( new InvokeOnceMatcher() ).method( "checkOut" ).with( constraints ).will(
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase.RunPerformGoalsPhase

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