return new UpdateScmResult( cl.toString(), "The git-pull command failed.",
stderr.getOutput(), false );
// we also need to log exactly what has been updated
GitDiffRawConsumer diffRawConsumer = new GitDiffRawConsumer( getLogger() );
Commandline clDiffRaw = GitDiffCommand.createDiffRawCommandLine( fileSet.getBasedir(), origSha1 );
exitCode = GitCommandLineUtils.execute( clDiffRaw, diffRawConsumer, stderr, getLogger() );
if ( exitCode != 0 )
return new UpdateScmResult( clDiffRaw.toString(), "The git-diff --raw command failed.",
stderr.getOutput(), false );
// now let's get the latest version
consumerRev = new GitLatestRevisionCommandConsumer( getLogger() );
exitCode = GitCommandLineUtils.execute( clRev, consumerRev, stderr, getLogger() );
if ( exitCode != 0 )
return new UpdateScmResult( clRev.toString(), "The git-log command failed.",
stderr.getOutput(), false );
String latestRevision = consumerRev.getLatestRevision();
return new UpdateScmResultWithRevision( cl.toString(), diffRawConsumer.getChangedFiles(), latestRevision );