Package org.apache.maven.plugin.eplugin

Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.eplugin.EclipseSourceDir

            boolean foundMetaInfBaseDirectory = false;

            for ( int i = 0; i < sourceDirs.length; i++ )
                EclipseSourceDir esd = sourceDirs[i];

                if ( esd.getPath().equals( metaInfBaseDirectory ) )
                    foundMetaInfBaseDirectory = true;

            if ( !foundMetaInfBaseDirectory )
                EclipseSourceDir dir =
                    new EclipseSourceDir( metaInfBaseDirectory, null, true, false, null, null, false );

                EclipseSourceDir[] newSourceDirs = new EclipseSourceDir[sourceDirs.length + 1];
                newSourceDirs[sourceDirs.length] = dir;

                System.arraycopy( sourceDirs, 0, newSourceDirs, 0, sourceDirs.length );
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            EclipseSourceDir[] sourceDirs = config.getSourceDirs();
            EclipseSourceDir[] newSourceDirs = new EclipseSourceDir[sourceDirs.length + 1];
            System.arraycopy( sourceDirs, 0, newSourceDirs, 0, sourceDirs.length );
            newSourceDirs[sourceDirs.length] =
                new EclipseSourceDir( EclipseManifestWriter.GENERATED_RESOURCE_DIRNAME, null, true, false, null, null,
                                      false );
            config.setSourceDirs( newSourceDirs );

        if ( Constants.PROJECT_PACKAGING_WAR.equals( packaging ) )
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            writeWarOrEarResources( writer, config.getProject(), config.getLocalRepository() );

        for ( int j = 0; j < config.getSourceDirs().length; j++ )
            EclipseSourceDir dir = config.getSourceDirs()[j];
            // test src/resources are not added to wtpmodules
            if ( !dir.isTest() )
                // <wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/src/java" />
                writer.startElement( ELT_WB_RESOURCE );
                writer.addAttribute( ATTR_DEPLOY_PATH, target );
                writer.addAttribute( ATTR_SOURCE_PATH, dir.getPath() );

        writer.endElement(); // wb-module
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        // Map<String,List<EclipseSourceDir>>
        Map byOutputDir = new HashMap();

        for ( int j = 0; j < config.getSourceDirs().length; j++ )
            EclipseSourceDir dir = config.getSourceDirs()[j];

            // List<EclipseSourceDir>
            List byOutputDirs = (List) byOutputDir.get( dir.getOutput() );
            if ( byOutputDirs == null )
                // ArrayList<EclipseSourceDir>
                byOutputDir.put( dir.getOutput() == null ? defaultOutput : dir.getOutput(), byOutputDirs =
                    new ArrayList() );
            byOutputDirs.add( dir );

        for ( int j = 0; j < config.getSourceDirs().length; j++ )
            EclipseSourceDir dir = config.getSourceDirs()[j];

            log.debug( "Processing classpath for: " + dir.toString() + "; default output=" + defaultOutput );

            boolean isSpecial = false;

            // handle resource with nested output folders
            if ( dir.isResource() )
                // Check if the output is a subdirectory of the default output,
                // and if the default output has any sources that copy there.

                if ( dir.getOutput() != null // resource output dir is set
                    && !dir.getOutput().equals( defaultOutput ) // output dir is not default target/classes
                    && dir.getOutput().startsWith( defaultOutput ) // ... but is nested
                    && byOutputDir.get( defaultOutput ) != null // ???
                    && !( (List) byOutputDir.get( defaultOutput ) ).isEmpty() // ???
                    // do not specify as source since the output will be nested. Instead, mark
                    // it as a todo, and handle it with a custom build.xml file later.

                    log.debug( "Marking as special to prevent output folder nesting: " + dir.getPath() + " (output="
                        + dir.getOutput() + ")" );

                    isSpecial = true;
                    specialSources.add( dir );

            writer.startElement( ELT_CLASSPATHENTRY );

            writer.addAttribute( ATTR_KIND, "src" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
            writer.addAttribute( ATTR_PATH, dir.getPath() );

            if ( !isSpecial && dir.getOutput() != null && !defaultOutput.equals( dir.getOutput() ) )
                writer.addAttribute( ATTR_OUTPUT, dir.getOutput() );

            String includes = dir.getIncludeAsString();
            if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( includes ) )
                writer.addAttribute( ATTR_INCLUDING, includes );

            String excludes = dir.getExcludeAsString();
            if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( excludes ) )
                writer.addAttribute( ATTR_EXCLUDING, excludes );



        // handle the special sources.
        if ( !specialSources.isEmpty() )
   "Creating maven-eclipse.xml Ant file to handle resources" );

                Writer buildXmlWriter =
                    new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream( new File( config.getEclipseProjectDirectory(),
                                                                            "maven-eclipse.xml" ) ), "UTF-8" );
                PrettyPrintXMLWriter buildXmlPrinter = new PrettyPrintXMLWriter( buildXmlWriter );

                buildXmlPrinter.startElement( "project" );
                buildXmlPrinter.addAttribute( "default", "copy-resources" );

                buildXmlPrinter.startElement( "target" );
                buildXmlPrinter.addAttribute( NAME, "init" );
                // initialize filtering tokens here

                buildXmlPrinter.startElement( "target" );
                buildXmlPrinter.addAttribute( NAME, "copy-resources" );
                buildXmlPrinter.addAttribute( "depends", "init" );

                for ( Iterator it = specialSources.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                    // TODO: merge source dirs on output path+filtering to reduce
                    // <copy> tags for speed.
                    EclipseSourceDir dir = (EclipseSourceDir);
                    buildXmlPrinter.startElement( "copy" );
                    buildXmlPrinter.addAttribute( "todir", dir.getOutput() );
                    buildXmlPrinter.addAttribute( "filtering", "" + dir.isFiltering() );

                    buildXmlPrinter.startElement( "fileset" );
                    buildXmlPrinter.addAttribute( "dir", dir.getPath() );
                    if ( dir.getIncludeAsString() != null )
                        buildXmlPrinter.addAttribute( "includes", dir.getIncludeAsString() );
                    if ( dir.getExcludeAsString() != null )
                        buildXmlPrinter.addAttribute( "excludes", dir.getExcludeAsString() );

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        for ( int j = 0; j < sourceDirs.length; j++ )
            EclipseSourceDir dir = sourceDirs[j];
            // test src/resources are not added to wtpmodules
            if ( !dir.isTest() )
                // <wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/src/java" />
                writer.startElement( ELT_WB_RESOURCE );
                writer.addAttribute( ATTR_DEPLOY_PATH, target );
                writer.addAttribute( ATTR_SOURCE_PATH, dir.getPath() );

        writer.endElement(); // wb-module
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.plugin.eplugin.EclipseSourceDir

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