Package org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.fromDependencies

Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.fromDependencies.BuildClasspathMojo

    public void testEnvironment()
        throws Exception
        File testPom = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test-classes/unit/build-classpath-test/plugin-config.xml" );
        BuildClasspathMojo mojo = (BuildClasspathMojo) lookupMojo( "build-classpath", testPom );

        assertNotNull( mojo );
        assertNotNull( mojo.getProject() );
        MavenProject project = mojo.getProject();

        // mojo.silent = true;
        Set<Artifact> artifacts = this.stubFactory.getScopedArtifacts();
        Set<Artifact> directArtifacts = this.stubFactory.getReleaseAndSnapshotArtifacts();
        artifacts.addAll( directArtifacts );

        project.setArtifacts( artifacts );
        project.setDependencyArtifacts( directArtifacts );

        String file = null;
            file = mojo.readClasspathFile();

            fail( "Expected an illegal Argument Exception" );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
            // expected to catch this.

        mojo.setCpFile( new File( testDir, "buildClasspath.txt" ) );

        file = mojo.readClasspathFile();
        assertNotNull( file );
        assertTrue( file.length() > 0 );

        assertTrue( file.indexOf( File.pathSeparator ) >= 0 );
        assertTrue( file.indexOf( File.separator ) >= 0 );

        String fileSep = "#####";
        String pathSep = "%%%%%";

        mojo.setFileSeparator( fileSep );
        mojo.setPathSeparator( pathSep );

        file = mojo.readClasspathFile();
        assertNotNull( file );
        assertTrue( file.length() > 0 );

        assertFalse( file.indexOf( File.pathSeparator ) >= 0 );
        assertFalse( file.indexOf( File.separator ) >= 0 );
        assertTrue( file.indexOf( fileSep ) >= 0 );
        assertTrue( file.indexOf( pathSep ) >= 0 );

        String propertyValue = project.getProperties().getProperty( "outputProperty" );
        assertNull( propertyValue );
        mojo.setOutputProperty( "outputProperty" );
        propertyValue = project.getProperties().getProperty( "outputProperty" );
        assertNotNull( propertyValue );

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    public void testPath() throws Exception
        File testPom = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test-classes/unit/build-classpath-test/plugin-config.xml" );
        BuildClasspathMojo mojo = (BuildClasspathMojo) lookupMojo( "build-classpath", testPom );

        assertNotNull( mojo );
        assertNotNull( mojo.getProject() );

        ArtifactRepository local = new StubArtifactRepository( stubFactory.getWorkingDir().getPath() );
        mojo.setLocal( local );

        Artifact artifact = stubFactory.getReleaseArtifact();

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        mojo.setPrefix( null );
        mojo.setStripVersion( false );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals( artifact.getFile().getPath(), sb.toString() );

        mojo.setLocalRepoProperty( "$M2_REPO" );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals( "$M2_REPO" + File.separator + artifact.getFile().getName(), sb.toString() );

        mojo.setLocalRepoProperty( "%M2_REPO%" );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals( "%M2_REPO%" + File.separator + artifact.getFile().getName(), sb.toString() );

        mojo.setLocalRepoProperty( "%M2_REPO%" );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.setPrependGroupId( true );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals("If prefix is null, prependGroupId has no impact ", "%M2_REPO%"+File.separator
                     + DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, false, false ), sb.toString());
        mojo.setLocalRepoProperty( "" );
        mojo.setPrefix( "prefix" );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.setPrependGroupId( true );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals("prefix"+File.separator+DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, false, true ),
        mojo.setPrependGroupId( false );
        mojo.setLocalRepoProperty( "" );
        mojo.setPrefix( "prefix" );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        mojo.setPrefix( "prefix" );
        mojo.setStripVersion( true );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals( "prefix" + File.separator + DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, true ), sb.toString() );
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    public void testEnvironment()
        throws Exception
        File testPom = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test-classes/unit/build-classpath-test/plugin-config.xml" );
        BuildClasspathMojo mojo = (BuildClasspathMojo) lookupMojo( "build-classpath", testPom );

        assertNotNull( mojo );
        assertNotNull( mojo.getProject() );
        MavenProject project = mojo.getProject();

        // mojo.silent = true;
        Set<Artifact> artifacts = this.stubFactory.getScopedArtifacts();
        Set<Artifact> directArtifacts = this.stubFactory.getReleaseAndSnapshotArtifacts();
        artifacts.addAll( directArtifacts );

        project.setArtifacts( artifacts );
        project.setDependencyArtifacts( directArtifacts );

        String file;

            fail( "Expected an illegal Argument Exception" );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
            // expected to catch this.

        mojo.setCpFile( new File( testDir, "buildClasspath.txt" ) );

        file = mojo.readClasspathFile();
        assertNotNull( file );
        assertTrue( file.length() > 0 );


        String fileSep = "#####";
        String pathSep = "%%%%%";

        mojo.setFileSeparator( fileSep );
        mojo.setPathSeparator( pathSep );

        file = mojo.readClasspathFile();
        assertNotNull( file );
        assertTrue( file.length() > 0 );


        String propertyValue = project.getProperties().getProperty( "outputProperty" );
        assertNull( propertyValue );
        mojo.setOutputProperty( "outputProperty" );
        propertyValue = project.getProperties().getProperty( "outputProperty" );
        assertNotNull( propertyValue );

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    public void testPath() throws Exception
        File testPom = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test-classes/unit/build-classpath-test/plugin-config.xml" );
        BuildClasspathMojo mojo = (BuildClasspathMojo) lookupMojo( "build-classpath", testPom );

        assertNotNull( mojo );
        assertNotNull( mojo.getProject() );

        ArtifactRepository local = new StubArtifactRepository( stubFactory.getWorkingDir().getPath() );
        mojo.setLocal( local );

        Artifact artifact = stubFactory.getReleaseArtifact();

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        mojo.setPrefix( null );
        mojo.setStripVersion( false );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals( artifact.getFile().getPath(), sb.toString() );

        mojo.setLocalRepoProperty( "$M2_REPO" );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals( "$M2_REPO" + File.separator + artifact.getFile().getName(), sb.toString() );

        mojo.setLocalRepoProperty( "%M2_REPO%" );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals( "%M2_REPO%" + File.separator + artifact.getFile().getName(), sb.toString() );

        mojo.setLocalRepoProperty( "%M2_REPO%" );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.setPrependGroupId( true );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals("If prefix is null, prependGroupId has no impact ", "%M2_REPO%"+File.separator
                     + DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, false, false ), sb.toString());
        mojo.setLocalRepoProperty( "" );
        mojo.setPrefix( "prefix" );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.setPrependGroupId( true );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals("prefix"+File.separator+DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, false, true ),
        mojo.setPrependGroupId( false );
        mojo.setLocalRepoProperty( "" );
        mojo.setPrefix( "prefix" );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        mojo.setPrefix( "prefix" );
        mojo.setStripVersion( true );
        sb.setLength( 0 );
        mojo.appendArtifactPath( artifact, sb );
        assertEquals( "prefix" + File.separator + DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, true ), sb.toString() );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.plugin.dependency.fromDependencies.BuildClasspathMojo

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