Package org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer

Examples of org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.RenderingContext

                reports.remove( mavenReportExecution );
                RenderingContext renderingContext = new RenderingContext( siteDirectory, outputName );
                DocumentRenderer renderer = new ReportDocumentRenderer( mavenReportExecution, renderingContext, getLog() );
                documents.put( outputName, renderer );
        return reportsByOutputName;
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        if ( categories.containsKey( MavenReport.CATEGORY_PROJECT_INFORMATION ) && generateProjectInfo )
            // add "Project Information" category summary document
            List<MavenReport> categoryReports = categories.get( MavenReport.CATEGORY_PROJECT_INFORMATION );

            RenderingContext renderingContext = new RenderingContext( siteDirectory, "project-info.html" );
            String title = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.information.title" );
            String desc1 = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.information.description1" );
            String desc2 = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.information.description2" );
            DocumentRenderer renderer = new CategorySummaryDocumentRenderer( renderingContext, title, desc1, desc2,
                                                                             i18n, categoryReports, getLog() );

            if ( !documents.containsKey( renderer.getOutputName() ) )
                documents.put( renderer.getOutputName(), renderer );
                getLog().info( "Category summary '" + renderer.getOutputName() + "' skipped; already exists" );

        if ( categories.containsKey( MavenReport.CATEGORY_PROJECT_REPORTS ) )
            // add "Project Reports" category summary document
            List<MavenReport> categoryReports = categories.get( MavenReport.CATEGORY_PROJECT_REPORTS );
            RenderingContext renderingContext = new RenderingContext( siteDirectory, "project-reports.html" );
            String title = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.project.title" );
            String desc1 = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.project.description1" );
            String desc2 = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.project.description2" );
            DocumentRenderer renderer = new CategorySummaryDocumentRenderer( renderingContext, title, desc1, desc2,
                                                                             i18n, categoryReports, getLog() );
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        throws Exception
        File baseDir = new File( getBasedir() + File.separatorChar + "test" + File.separatorChar + "resources" );
        String docName = "";

        RenderingContext renderingContext = new RenderingContext( baseDir, docName, "", "xml" );
        assertEquals( "", renderingContext.getOutputName() );
        assertEquals( ".", renderingContext.getRelativePath() );

        docName = "index.xml.vm";

        renderingContext = new RenderingContext( baseDir, docName, "", "xml" );
        assertEquals( "index.html", renderingContext.getOutputName() );
        assertEquals( ".", renderingContext.getRelativePath() );

        docName = "download.apt.vm";

        renderingContext = new RenderingContext( baseDir, docName, "", "apt" );
        assertEquals( "download.html", renderingContext.getOutputName() );
        assertEquals( ".", renderingContext.getRelativePath() );
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                reports.remove( mavenReportExecution );
                RenderingContext renderingContext = new RenderingContext( siteDirectory, outputName );
                DocumentRenderer renderer = new ReportDocumentRenderer( mavenReportExecution, renderingContext, getLog() );
                documents.put( outputName, renderer );
        return reportsByOutputName;
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        if ( categories.containsKey( MavenReport.CATEGORY_PROJECT_INFORMATION ) && generateProjectInfo )
            // add "Project Information" category summary document
            List<MavenReport> categoryReports = categories.get( MavenReport.CATEGORY_PROJECT_INFORMATION );

            RenderingContext renderingContext = new RenderingContext( siteDirectory, "project-info.html" );
            String title = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.information.title" );
            String desc1 = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.information.description1" );
            String desc2 = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.information.description2" );
            DocumentRenderer renderer = new CategorySummaryDocumentRenderer( renderingContext, title, desc1, desc2,
                                                                             i18n, categoryReports, getLog() );

            if ( !documents.containsKey( renderer.getOutputName() ) )
                documents.put( renderer.getOutputName(), renderer );
                getLog().info( "Category summary '" + renderer.getOutputName() + "' skipped; already exists" );

        if ( categories.containsKey( MavenReport.CATEGORY_PROJECT_REPORTS ) )
            // add "Project Reports" category summary document
            List<MavenReport> categoryReports = categories.get( MavenReport.CATEGORY_PROJECT_REPORTS );
            RenderingContext renderingContext = new RenderingContext( siteDirectory, "project-reports.html" );
            String title = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.project.title" );
            String desc1 = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.project.description1" );
            String desc2 = i18n.getString( "site-plugin", locale, "report.project.description2" );
            DocumentRenderer renderer = new CategorySummaryDocumentRenderer( renderingContext, title, desc1, desc2,
                                                                             i18n, categoryReports, getLog() );
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                siteTool.getDefaultSkinArtifact( localRepository, project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );

            SiteRenderingContext siteContext =
                siteRenderer.createContextForSkin( defaultSkin.getFile(), attributes, model, getName( locale ), locale );

            RenderingContext context = new RenderingContext( outputDirectory, filename );

            SiteRendererSink sink = new SiteRendererSink( context );

            generate( sink, null, locale );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.doxia.siterenderer.RenderingContext

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