Package org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata

Examples of org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ResolutionGroup

            metadataRequest.setArtifact( rootArtifact );
            metadataRequest.setResolveManagedVersions( managedVersions == null );

                ResolutionGroup resolutionGroup = source.retrieve( metadataRequest );

                if ( managedVersions == null )
                    managedVersions = resolutionGroup.getManagedVersions();

                Set<Artifact> directArtifacts = resolutionGroup.getArtifacts();

                if ( artifacts == null || artifacts.isEmpty() )
                    artifacts = directArtifacts;
                    List<Artifact> allArtifacts = new ArrayList<Artifact>();
                    allArtifacts.addAll( artifacts );
                    allArtifacts.addAll( directArtifacts );

                    Map<String, Artifact> mergedArtifacts = new LinkedHashMap<String, Artifact>();
                    for ( Artifact artifact : allArtifacts )
                        String conflictId = artifact.getDependencyConflictId();
                        if ( !mergedArtifacts.containsKey( conflictId ) )
                            mergedArtifacts.put( conflictId, artifact );

                    artifacts = new LinkedHashSet<Artifact>( mergedArtifacts.values() );

                collectionRequest = new ArtifactResolutionRequest( request );
                collectionRequest.setServers( request.getServers() );
                collectionRequest.setMirrors( request.getMirrors() );
                collectionRequest.setProxies( request.getProxies() );
                collectionRequest.setRemoteRepositories( resolutionGroup.getResolutionRepositories() );
            catch ( ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException e )
                ArtifactResolutionException are =
                    new ArtifactResolutionException( "Unable to get dependency information for " + rootArtifact.getId()
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                        metadataRequest.setArtifact( artifact );
                        metadataRequest.setRemoteRepositories( childRemoteRepositories );

                            ResolutionGroup rGroup;

                            Object childKey;
                                childKey = child.getKey();

                                if ( managedVersions.containsKey( childKey ) )
                                    // If this child node is a managed dependency, ensure
                                    // we are using the dependency management version
                                    // of this child if applicable b/c we want to use the
                                    // managed version's POM, *not* any other version's POM.
                                    // We retrieve the POM below in the retrieval step.
                                    manageArtifact( child, managedVersions, listeners );

                                    // Also, we need to ensure that any exclusions it presents are
                                    // added to the artifact before we retrive the metadata
                                    // for the artifact; otherwise we may end up with unwanted
                                    // dependencies.
                                    Artifact ma = (Artifact) managedVersions.get( childKey );
                                    ArtifactFilter managedExclusionFilter = ma.getDependencyFilter();
                                    if ( null != managedExclusionFilter )
                                        if ( null != artifact.getDependencyFilter() )
                                            AndArtifactFilter aaf = new AndArtifactFilter();
                                            aaf.add( artifact.getDependencyFilter() );
                                            aaf.add( managedExclusionFilter );
                                            artifact.setDependencyFilter( aaf );
                                            artifact.setDependencyFilter( managedExclusionFilter );

                                if ( artifact.getVersion() == null )
                                    // set the recommended version
                                    // TODO: maybe its better to just pass the range through to retrieval and use a
                                    // transformation?
                                    ArtifactVersion version;
                                    if ( !artifact.isSelectedVersionKnown() )
                                        List<ArtifactVersion> versions = artifact.getAvailableVersions();
                                        if ( versions == null )
                                            versions = source.retrieveAvailableVersions( metadataRequest );
                                            artifact.setAvailableVersions( versions );

                                        Collections.sort( versions );

                                        VersionRange versionRange = artifact.getVersionRange();

                                        version = versionRange.matchVersion( versions );

                                        if ( version == null )
                                            if ( versions.isEmpty() )
                                                throw new OverConstrainedVersionException(
                                                                                           "No versions are present in the repository for the artifact with a range "
                                                                                               + versionRange,
                                                                                           childRemoteRepositories );

                                            throw new OverConstrainedVersionException( "Couldn't find a version in "
                                                + versions + " to match range " + versionRange, artifact,
                                                childRemoteRepositories );
                                        version = artifact.getSelectedVersion();

                                    artifact.selectVersion( version.toString() );
                                    fireEvent( ResolutionListener.SELECT_VERSION_FROM_RANGE, listeners, child );

                                rGroup = source.retrieve( metadataRequest );

                                if ( rGroup == null )
                            while( !childKey.equals( child.getKey() ) );

                            if ( parentArtifact != null && parentArtifact.getDependencyFilter() != null
                                && !parentArtifact.getDependencyFilter().include( artifact ) )
                                // MNG-3769: the [probably relocated] artifact is excluded.
                                // We could process exclusions on relocated artifact details in the
                                // MavenMetadataSource.createArtifacts(..) step, BUT that would
                                // require resolving the POM from the repository very early on in
                                // the build.

                            // TODO might be better to have source.retrieve() throw a specific exception for this
                            // situation
                            // and catch here rather than have it return null
                            if ( rGroup == null )
                                // relocated dependency artifact is declared excluded, no need to add and recurse
                                // further

                            child.addDependencies( rGroup.getArtifacts(), rGroup.getResolutionRepositories(), filter );

                        catch ( CyclicDependencyException e )
                            // would like to throw this, but we have crappy stuff in the repo
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    private List<Artifact> getDependencies(Artifact artifact) {
        List<Artifact> list = new ArrayList<Artifact>();
        try {
            ResolutionGroup pom = artifactMetadataSource.retrieve(artifact, localRepo, remoteRepos);
            if (pom != null) {
        } catch (ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException e) {
            getLog().warn("Unable to retrieve metadata for " + artifact + ", not including dependencies for it");
        } catch (InvalidArtifactRTException e) {
            getLog().warn("Unable to retrieve metadata for " + artifact + ", not including dependencies for it");
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                                    listeners, child);

                        ResolutionGroup rGroup = source.retrieve(artifact,
                                localRepository, remoteRepositories);

                        // TODO might be better to have source.retreive() throw
                        // a specific exception for this situation
                        // and catch here rather than have it return null
                        if (rGroup == null) {
                            // relocated dependency artifact is declared
                            // excluded, no need to add and recurse further

                                rGroup.getResolutionRepositories(), filter);
                    catch (CyclicDependencyException e) {
                        // would like to throw this, but we have crappy stuff in
                        // the repo
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        String version = null;

        // This takes the spec version and resolves a real version
            ResolutionGroup resolutionGroup =
                artifactMetadataSource.retrieve( artifact, localRepository, project.getPluginArtifactRepositories() );

            // switching this out with the actual resolved artifact instance, since the MMSource re-creates the pom
            // artifact.
            artifact = resolutionGroup.getPomArtifact();
        catch ( ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException e )
            throw new PluginVersionResolutionException( groupId, artifactId, e.getMessage(), e );
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            Artifact pluginArtifact = (Artifact) pluginDescriptor.getArtifacts().get( 0 );

            ArtifactRepository localRepository = session.getLocalRepository();

            ResolutionGroup resolutionGroup;
                resolutionGroup = artifactMetadataSource.retrieve( pluginArtifact, localRepository,
                                                                   project.getPluginArtifactRepositories() );
            catch ( ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException e )
                throw new ArtifactResolutionException( "Unable to download metadata from repository for plugin '" +
                    pluginArtifact.getId() + "': " + e.getMessage(), pluginArtifact, e );

            checkPlexusUtils( resolutionGroup, artifactFactory );

            // [jdcasey; 20-March-2008]:
            // This is meant to eliminate the introduction of duplicated artifacts.
            // Since much of the reasoning for reversing the order of introduction of
            // plugin dependencies rests on the notion that we need to be able to
            // introduce upgraded versions of plugin dependencies on a case-by-case
            // basis, we need to remove the original version prior to artifact
            // resolution. This is consistent with recent thinking on duplicated
            // dependency specifications within a POM, where that case should
            // throw a model validation exception.
            // Here, we just want to remove any chance that the ArtifactCollector
            // could make a bad choice, and use the old version in spite of our
            // explicit preference otherwise.

            // First, we're going to accumulate plugin dependencies in an ordered map,
            // keyed by dependencyConflictId (the ordered map is meant to preserve relative
            // ordering of the dependencies that do make the cut).
            Map dependencyMap = new LinkedHashMap();

            // Next, we need to accumulate all dependencies in a List, to make it
            // simpler to iterate through them all and add them to the map.
            List all = new ArrayList();

            // plugin-level dependencies from the consuming POM override dependencies
            // from the plugin's own POM.
            all.addAll( pluginDescriptor.getIntroducedDependencyArtifacts() );

            // add in the deps from the plugin POM now.
            all.addAll( resolutionGroup.getArtifacts() );

            for ( Iterator it = all.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                Artifact artifact = (Artifact);
                String conflictId = artifact.getDependencyConflictId();

                // if the map already contains this dependencyConflictId, it constitutes an
                // overridden dependency. Don't use the old one (we know it's old from the
                // order in which dependencies were added to this list).
                if ( !dependencyMap.containsKey( conflictId ) )
                    dependencyMap.put( conflictId, artifact );

            // Create an ordered set of dependencies from the ordered map we used above, to feed into the resolver.
            Set dependencies = new LinkedHashSet( dependencyMap.values() );

            if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                // list all dependencies to be used by this plugin (first-level deps, not transitive ones).
                getLogger().debug( "Plugin dependencies for:\n\n" + pluginDescriptor.getId()
                                   + "\n\nare:\n\n"
                                   + StringUtils.join( dependencies.iterator(), "\n" ) + "\n\n" );

            List repositories = new ArrayList();
            repositories.addAll( resolutionGroup.getResolutionRepositories() );
            repositories.addAll( project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );

            /* get plugin managed versions */
            Map pluginManagedDependencies = new HashMap();
                MavenProject pluginProject =
                    mavenProjectBuilder.buildFromRepository( pluginArtifact, project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories(),
                                                             localRepository );
                if ( pluginProject != null )
                    pluginManagedDependencies = pluginProject.getManagedVersionMap();
            catch ( ProjectBuildingException e )
                // this can't happen, it would have blowed up at artifactMetadataSource.retrieve()

            ArtifactResolutionResult result = artifactResolver.resolveTransitively( dependencies, pluginArtifact,
                                                                                    localRepository, repositories,
                                                                                    artifactFilter );

            Set resolved = result.getArtifacts();

            for ( Iterator it = resolved.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                Artifact artifact = (Artifact);

                if ( !artifact.equals( pluginArtifact ) )
                    artifact = project.replaceWithActiveArtifact( artifact );

                        pluginContainer.addJarResource( artifact.getFile() );
                    catch ( PlexusContainerException e )
                        throw new PluginManagerException( "Error adding plugin dependency '" +
                            artifact.getDependencyConflictId() + "' into plugin manager: " + e.getMessage(), e );

            pluginDescriptor.setClassRealm( pluginContainer.getContainerRealm() );

            List unresolved = new ArrayList( dependencies );

            unresolved.removeAll( resolved );

            if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                // list all artifacts that were filtered out during the resolution process.
                // these are already present in the core container.
                getLogger().debug( " The following artifacts were filtered out for plugin: "
                                   + pluginDescriptor.getId()
                                   + " because they're already in the core of Maven:\n\n"
                                   + StringUtils.join( unresolved.iterator(), "\n" )
                                   + "\n\nThese will use the artifact files already in the core ClassRealm instead, to allow them to be included in PluginDescriptor.getArtifacts().\n\n" );

            // Grab a file for all filtered artifacts, even if it means resolving them. This
            // is necessary in order to present a full complement of a plugin's transitive
            // dependencies to anyone who calls PluginDescriptor.getArtifacts().
            resolveCoreArtifacts( unresolved, localRepository, resolutionGroup.getResolutionRepositories() );

            // Re-join resolved and filtered-but-now-resolved artifacts.
            // NOTE: The process of filtering then re-adding some artifacts will
            // result in different ordering within the PluginDescriptor.getArtifacts()
            // List than should have happened if none had been filtered. All filtered
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                    throw new ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException( e.getMessage(), e, artifact );

            ResolutionGroup result;

            if ( project == null )
                // TODO: we could record this so that it is displayed in the dependency tree as (...) or similar

                // if the project is null, we encountered an invalid model (read: m1 POM)
                // we'll just return an empty resolution group.
                // or used the inherited scope (should that be passed to the buildFromRepository method above?)
                result = new ResolutionGroup( pomArtifact, Collections.<Artifact>emptySet(), Collections.<ArtifactRepository>emptyList() );
                Set<Artifact> artifacts = Collections.emptySet();
                if ( !artifact.getArtifactHandler().isIncludesDependencies() )
                        artifacts = createArtifacts( project, artifact.getDependencyFilter() );
                    catch ( InvalidVersionSpecificationException e )
                        throw new ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException( e.getMessage(), e, artifact );

                result = new ResolutionGroup( pomArtifact, artifacts, Collections.<ArtifactRepository>emptyList() );

            return result;
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            // TODO: this could come straight from the project, negating the need to set it in the project itself?
            artifact.setDownloadUrl( pomArtifact.getDownloadUrl() );

        ResolutionGroup result;

        if ( project == null )
            // if the project is null, we encountered an invalid model (read: m1 POM)
            // we'll just return an empty resolution group.
            // or used the inherited scope (should that be passed to the buildFromRepository method above?)
            result = new ResolutionGroup( pomArtifact, Collections.EMPTY_SET, Collections.EMPTY_LIST );
            Set artifacts = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
            if ( !artifact.getArtifactHandler().isIncludesDependencies() )
                // TODO: we could possibly use p.getDependencyArtifacts instead of this call, but they haven't been filtered
                // or used the inherited scope (should that be passed to the buildFromRepository method above?)
                    artifacts = project.createArtifacts( artifactFactory, artifact.getScope(),
                                                         artifact.getDependencyFilter() );
                catch ( InvalidDependencyVersionException e )
                    throw new ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException( "Error in metadata for artifact '" +
                        artifact.getDependencyConflictId() + "': " + e.getMessage(), e );

            List repositories = aggregateRepositoryLists( remoteRepositories, project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );

            result = new ResolutionGroup( pomArtifact, artifacts, repositories );

        return result;
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                        throw new ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException( "Error retrieving metadata", e, a );

                return new ResolutionGroup( artifact, dependencies, remoteRepositories );

            public List retrieveAvailableVersions( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository localRepository,
                                                   List remoteRepositories )
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                        throw new ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException( "Error retrieving metadata", e, a );

                return new ResolutionGroup( artifact, dependencies, remoteRepositories );

            public List retrieveAvailableVersions( Artifact artifact, ArtifactRepository localRepository,
                                                   List remoteRepositories )
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ResolutionGroup

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