throws DavException
checkLocatorIsInstanceOfRepositoryLocator( locator );
ArchivaDavResourceLocator archivaLocator = (ArchivaDavResourceLocator) locator;
RepositoryGroupConfiguration repoGroupConfig =
archivaConfiguration.getConfiguration().getRepositoryGroupsAsMap().get( archivaLocator.getRepositoryId() );
List<String> repositories = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean isGet = WebdavMethodUtil.isReadMethod( request.getMethod() );
boolean isPut = WebdavMethodUtil.isWriteMethod( request.getMethod() );
if ( repoGroupConfig != null )
if( WebdavMethodUtil.isWriteMethod( request.getMethod() ) )
throw new DavException( HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,
"Write method not allowed for repository groups." );
repositories.addAll( repoGroupConfig.getRepositories() );
// handle browse requests for virtual repos
if ( RepositoryPathUtil.getLogicalResource( locator.getResourcePath() ).endsWith( "/" ) )
return getResource( request, repositories, archivaLocator );
repositories.add( archivaLocator.getRepositoryId() );
//MRM-419 - Windows Webdav support. Should not 404 if there is no content.
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(archivaLocator.getRepositoryId()))
throw new DavException(HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT);
List<DavResource> availableResources = new ArrayList<DavResource>();
List<String> resourcesInAbsolutePath = new ArrayList<String>();
DavException e = null;
for ( String repositoryId : repositories )
ManagedRepositoryContent managedRepository = null;
managedRepository = getManagedRepository( repositoryId );
catch ( DavException de )
throw new DavException( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Invalid managed repository <" +
repositoryId + ">" );
DavResource resource = null;
if ( !locator.getResourcePath().startsWith( ArchivaDavResource.HIDDEN_PATH_PREFIX ) )
if ( managedRepository != null )
if( isAuthorized( request, repositoryId ) )
LogicalResource logicalResource =
new LogicalResource( RepositoryPathUtil.getLogicalResource( locator.getResourcePath() ) );
if ( isGet )
resource = doGet( managedRepository, request, archivaLocator, logicalResource );
if ( isPut )
resource = doPut( managedRepository, request, archivaLocator, logicalResource );
catch ( DavException de )
e = de;
if( resource == null )
e = new DavException( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Resource does not exist" );
availableResources.add( resource );
String logicalResource = RepositoryPathUtil.getLogicalResource( locator.getResourcePath() );
resourcesInAbsolutePath.add( managedRepository.getRepoRoot() + logicalResource );
e = new DavException( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Repository does not exist" );
if ( availableResources.isEmpty() )
throw e;
String requestedResource = request.getRequestURI();
// MRM-872 : merge all available metadata
// merge metadata only when requested via the repo group
if ( ( repositoryRequest.isMetadata( requestedResource ) || ( requestedResource.endsWith( "metadata.xml.sha1" ) || requestedResource.endsWith( "metadata.xml.md5" ) ) ) &&
repoGroupConfig != null )
// this should only be at the project level not version level!
if( isProjectReference( requestedResource ) )
String artifactId = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast( requestedResource.replace( '\\', '/' ), "/" );
artifactId = StringUtils.substringAfterLast( artifactId, "/" );
ArchivaDavResource res = ( ArchivaDavResource ) availableResources.get( 0 );
String filePath = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast( res.getLocalResource().getAbsolutePath().replace( '\\', '/' ), "/" );
filePath = filePath + "/maven-metadata-" + repoGroupConfig.getId() + ".xml";
// for MRM-872 handle checksums of the merged metadata files
if( repositoryRequest.isSupportFile( requestedResource ) )
File metadataChecksum = new File( filePath + "."