This tester sets up a virtual browser and allows a sequence of testing to take place. It's set up to allow this to be done in Java, even though the tester itself may well be running in Python. The eventual goal is to replace the Python browser emulator with a Java one, but we can't get there all in one goal. The paradigm used is one of a "virtual browser", which basically handles multiple windows and can emulate user activities, such as clicking a link or a button, filling in a field, etc. Identification of each of these elements may have a language dependence, so I would anticipate that there would need to be a new set of tests for each localization we have. Presumably it should be possible to come up with a structure at a level above this one in order to meet the goal of having the same test in a different language, so I'm not going to worry about that here. The tester works by basically accumulating a set of "instructions", and then firing them off at the end. This set of instructions is then executed in an appropriate environment, and test feedback is returned.