tmpToReturn.rootNodeValue = tfr.rootNodeValue;
// now merge the HashMap of tfr into this of tmpToReturn
IntToObjectMap<AACO> tmpToReturnMapToACCOs = tmpToReturn.mapToAACOs;
IntToObjectMap<AACO> tfrMapToACCOs = tfr.mapToAACOs;
IntIterator tfrIntIterator = tfrMapToACCOs.keyIterator();
//iterate over all ordinals in tfr that are maps to their children (and the residue over
// non included chilren)
while (tfrIntIterator.hasNext()) {
int tfrkey =;
AACO tmpToReturnAACO = null;
if (null == (tmpToReturnAACO = tmpToReturnMapToACCOs.get(tfrkey))) {
// if tmpToReturn does not have any kids of tfrkey, map all the kids
// from tfr to it as one package, along with their redisude
tmpToReturnMapToACCOs.put(tfrkey, tfrMapToACCOs.get(tfrkey));