TermInfo ti;
ThreadResources resources = getThreadResources();
Cache cache = null;
if (useCache) {
cache = resources.termInfoCache;
// check the cache first if the term was recently looked up
ti = (TermInfo) cache.get(term);
if (ti != null) {
return ti;
// optimize sequential access: first try scanning cached enum w/o seeking
SegmentTermEnum enumerator = resources.termEnum;
if (enumerator.term() != null // term is at or past current
&& ((enumerator.prev() != null && term.compareTo(enumerator.prev())> 0)
|| term.compareTo(enumerator.term()) >= 0)) {
int enumOffset = (int)(enumerator.position/totalIndexInterval)+1;
if (indexTerms.length == enumOffset // but before end of block
|| term.compareTo(indexTerms[enumOffset]) < 0) {
// no need to seek
int numScans = enumerator.scanTo(term);
if (enumerator.term() != null && term.compareTo(enumerator.term()) == 0) {
ti = enumerator.termInfo();
if (cache != null && numScans > 1) {
// we only want to put this TermInfo into the cache if
// scanEnum skipped more than one dictionary entry.
// This prevents RangeQueries or WildcardQueries to
// wipe out the cache when they iterate over a large numbers
// of terms in order
cache.put(term, ti);
} else {
ti = null;
return ti;
// random-access: must seek
seekEnum(enumerator, getIndexOffset(term));
if (enumerator.term() != null && term.compareTo(enumerator.term()) == 0) {
ti = enumerator.termInfo();
if (cache != null) {
cache.put(term, ti);
} else {
ti = null;
return ti;