private static void checkSortedSetDocValues(String fieldName, AtomicReader reader, SortedSetDocValues dv, Bits docsWithField) {
final long maxOrd = dv.getValueCount()-1;
LongBitSet seenOrds = new LongBitSet(dv.getValueCount());
long maxOrd2 = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < reader.maxDoc(); i++) {
long lastOrd = -1;
long ord;
if (docsWithField.get(i)) {
int ordCount = 0;
while ((ord = dv.nextOrd()) != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS) {
if (ord <= lastOrd) {
throw new RuntimeException("ords out of order: " + ord + " <= " + lastOrd + " for doc: " + i);
if (ord < 0 || ord > maxOrd) {
throw new RuntimeException("ord out of bounds: " + ord);
if (dv instanceof RandomAccessOrds) {
long ord2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).ordAt(ordCount);
if (ord != ord2) {
throw new RuntimeException("ordAt(" + ordCount + ") inconsistent, expected=" + ord + ",got=" + ord2 + " for doc: " + i);
lastOrd = ord;
maxOrd2 = Math.max(maxOrd2, ord);
if (ordCount == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has no ordinals but is not marked missing for doc: " + i);
if (dv instanceof RandomAccessOrds) {
long ordCount2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).cardinality();
if (ordCount != ordCount2) {
throw new RuntimeException("cardinality inconsistent, expected=" + ordCount + ",got=" + ordCount2 + " for doc: " + i);
} else {
long o = dv.nextOrd();
if (o != SortedSetDocValues.NO_MORE_ORDS) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has ord=" + o + " for doc: " + i);
if (dv instanceof RandomAccessOrds) {
long ordCount2 = ((RandomAccessOrds)dv).cardinality();
if (ordCount2 != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " is marked missing but has cardinality " + ordCount2 + " for doc: " + i);
if (maxOrd != maxOrd2) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " reports wrong maxOrd=" + maxOrd + " but this is not the case: " + maxOrd2);
if (seenOrds.cardinality() != dv.getValueCount()) {
throw new RuntimeException("dv for field: " + fieldName + " has holes in its ords, valueCount=" + dv.getValueCount() + " but only used: " + seenOrds.cardinality());
BytesRef lastValue = null;
for (long i = 0; i <= maxOrd; i++) {
final BytesRef term = dv.lookupOrd(i);