// Update existing group:
for (int compIDX = 0;; compIDX++) {
final FieldComparator fc = comparators[compIDX];
fc.copy(spareSlot, doc);
final int c = reversed[compIDX] *, spareSlot);
if (c < 0) {
// Definitely not competitive.
} else if (c > 0) {
// Definitely competitive; set remaining comparators:
for (int compIDX2=compIDX+1; compIDX2<comparators.length; compIDX2++) {
comparators[compIDX2].copy(spareSlot, doc);
} else if (compIDX == compIDXEnd) {
// Here c=0. If we're at the last comparator, this doc is not
// competitive, since docs are visited in doc Id order, which means
// this doc cannot compete with any other document in the queue.
// Remove before updating the group since lookup is done via comparators
// TODO: optimize this
final CollectedSearchGroup prevLast;
if (orderedGroups != null) {
prevLast = orderedGroups.last();
assert orderedGroups.size() == topNGroups-1;
} else {
prevLast = null;
group.topDoc = docBase + doc;
// Swap slots
final int tmp = spareSlot;
spareSlot = group.comparatorSlot;
group.comparatorSlot = tmp;
// Re-add the changed group
if (orderedGroups != null) {
assert orderedGroups.size() == topNGroups;
final CollectedSearchGroup newLast = orderedGroups.last();
// If we changed the value of the last group, or changed which group was last, then update bottom:
if (group == newLast || prevLast != newLast) {
for (FieldComparator fc : comparators) {