children.add(new FieldQueryNode(field, term, -1, -1));
return new GroupQueryNode(
new StandardBooleanQueryNode(children, positionCount==1));
} else {
// multiple positions
QueryNode q = new StandardBooleanQueryNode(Collections.<QueryNode>emptyList(),false);
QueryNode currentQuery = null;
for (int i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) {
String term = null;
try {
boolean hasNext = buffer.incrementToken();
assert hasNext == true;
term = termAtt.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
// safe to ignore, because we know the number of tokens
if (posIncrAtt != null && posIncrAtt.getPositionIncrement() == 0) {
if (!(currentQuery instanceof BooleanQueryNode)) {
QueryNode t = currentQuery;
currentQuery = new StandardBooleanQueryNode(Collections.<QueryNode>emptyList(), true);
((BooleanQueryNode)currentQuery).add(new FieldQueryNode(field, term, -1, -1));
} else {
if (currentQuery != null) {
if (this.defaultOperator == Operator.OR) {
} else {
q.add(new ModifierQueryNode(currentQuery, Modifier.MOD_REQ));
currentQuery = new FieldQueryNode(field, term, -1, -1);
if (this.defaultOperator == Operator.OR) {
} else {
q.add(new ModifierQueryNode(currentQuery, Modifier.MOD_REQ));
if (q instanceof BooleanQueryNode) {
q = new GroupQueryNode(q);