HashMap<CategoryListIterator, Aggregator> categoryLists = getCategoryListMap(facetArrays, partition);
IntsRef ordinals = new IntsRef(32); // a reasonable start capacity for most common apps
for (Entry<CategoryListIterator, Aggregator> entry : categoryLists.entrySet()) {
final ScoredDocIDsIterator iterator = docids.iterator();
final CategoryListIterator categoryListIter = entry.getKey();
final Aggregator aggregator = entry.getValue();
Iterator<AtomicReaderContext> contexts = indexReader.leaves().iterator();
AtomicReaderContext current = null;
int maxDoc = -1;
while (iterator.next()) {
int docID = iterator.getDocID();
if (docID >= maxDoc) {
boolean iteratorDone = false;
do { // find the segment which contains this document
if (!contexts.hasNext()) {
throw new RuntimeException("ScoredDocIDs contains documents outside this reader's segments !?");
current = contexts.next();
maxDoc = current.docBase + current.reader().maxDoc();
if (docID < maxDoc) { // segment has docs, check if it has categories
boolean validSegment = categoryListIter.setNextReader(current);
validSegment &= aggregator.setNextReader(current);
if (!validSegment) { // if categoryList or aggregtor say it's an invalid segment, skip all docs
while (docID < maxDoc && iterator.next()) {
docID = iterator.getDocID();
if (docID < maxDoc) {
iteratorDone = true;
} while (docID >= maxDoc);
if (iteratorDone) { // iterator finished, terminate the loop
docID -= current.docBase;
categoryListIter.getOrdinals(docID, ordinals);
if (ordinals.length == 0) {
continue; // document does not have category ordinals
aggregator.aggregate(docID, iterator.getScore(), ordinals);