DirectoryReader indexReader =;
TaxonomyReader taxoReader = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(taxoDir);
int[] intArray = new int[iParams.getPartitionSize()];
TotalFacetCountsCache tfcc = TotalFacetCountsCache.getSingleton();
File tmpFile = _TestUtil.createTempFile("test", "tmp", TEMP_DIR);, indexReader, taxoReader, iParams);
tfcc.clear(); // not really required because TFCC overrides on load(), but in the test we need not rely on this.
tfcc.load(tmpFile, indexReader, taxoReader, iParams);
// now retrieve the one just loaded
TotalFacetCounts totalCounts = tfcc.getTotalCounts(indexReader, taxoReader, iParams);
int partition = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < expectedCounts.length; i += partitionSize) {
totalCounts.fillTotalCountsForPartition(intArray, partition);
int[] partitionExpectedCounts = new int[partitionSize];