new Pulsing41PostingsFormat(1 + random.nextInt(20), minItemsPerBlock, maxItemsPerBlock),
//TODO as a PostingsFormat which wraps others, we should allow TestBloomFilteredLucene41Postings to be constructed
//with a choice of concrete PostingsFormats. Maybe useful to have a generic means of marking and dealing
//with such "wrapper" classes?
new TestBloomFilteredLucene41Postings(),
new MockSepPostingsFormat(),
new MockFixedIntBlockPostingsFormat(_TestUtil.nextInt(random, 1, 2000)),
new MockVariableIntBlockPostingsFormat( _TestUtil.nextInt(random, 1, 127)),
new MockRandomPostingsFormat(random),
new NestedPulsingPostingsFormat(),
new Lucene41WithOrds(),