public void map(Text key, StringTuple value,
final OutputCollector<GramKey,Gram> collector, Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
ShingleFilter sf = new ShingleFilter(new IteratorTokenStream(value.getEntries().iterator()), maxShingleSize);
int count = 0; // ngram count
OpenObjectIntHashMap<String> ngrams = new OpenObjectIntHashMap<String>(value.getEntries().size()
* (maxShingleSize - 1));
OpenObjectIntHashMap<String> unigrams = new OpenObjectIntHashMap<String>(value.getEntries().size());
do {
String term = ((TermAttribute) sf.getAttribute(TermAttribute.class)).term();
String type = ((TypeAttribute) sf.getAttribute(TypeAttribute.class)).type();
if ("shingle".equals(type)) {
ngrams.adjustOrPutValue(term, 1, 1);
} else if (emitUnigrams && term.length() > 0) { // unigram
unigrams.adjustOrPutValue(term, 1, 1);
} while (sf.incrementToken());
try {
final GramKey gramKey = new GramKey();
ngrams.forEachPair(new ObjectIntProcedure<String>() {
public boolean apply(String term, int frequency) {
// obtain components, the leading (n-1)gram and the trailing unigram.
int i = term.lastIndexOf(' '); // TODO: fix for non-whitespace delimited languages.
if (i != -1) { // bigram, trigram etc
try {
Gram ngram = new Gram(term, frequency, Gram.Type.NGRAM);
Gram head = new Gram(term.substring(0, i), frequency, Gram.Type.HEAD);
Gram tail = new Gram(term.substring(i + 1), frequency, Gram.Type.TAIL);
gramKey.set(head, EMPTY);
collector.collect(gramKey, head);
gramKey.set(head, ngram.getBytes());
collector.collect(gramKey, ngram);
gramKey.set(tail, EMPTY);
collector.collect(gramKey, tail);
gramKey.set(tail, ngram.getBytes());
collector.collect(gramKey, ngram);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
return true;
unigrams.forEachPair(new ObjectIntProcedure<String>() {
public boolean apply(String term, int frequency) {
try {
Gram unigram = new Gram(term, frequency, Gram.Type.UNIGRAM);
gramKey.set(unigram, EMPTY);
collector.collect(gramKey, unigram);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
return true;
catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
// catch an re-throw original exceptions from the procedures.
if (ise.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) ise.getCause();
else {
// wasn't what was expected, so re-throw
throw ise;
reporter.incrCounter(Count.NGRAM_TOTAL, count);