ArrayList documents = new ArrayList();
Publication publication = this.pageEnvelope.getPublication();
DocumentIdToPathMapper mapper = publication.getPathMapper();
if (mapper instanceof PathToDocumentIdMapper) {
PathToDocumentIdMapper fileMapper = (PathToDocumentIdMapper) mapper;
String documentId = null;
String language = null;
File[] inconsistentFiles;
try {
inconsistentFiles = Grep.find(publication.getContentDirectory(area),
for (int i = 0; i < inconsistentFiles.length; i++) {
// for performance reasons the getReferencesSearchString()
// is
// constructed in a way such that it will catch all files
// which
// have a link to any language version of the current
// document.
// That's why we need to do some additional tests for each
// hit.
String languageOfCurrentDocument = this.pageEnvelope.getDocument()
String defaultLanguage = this.pageEnvelope.getPublication()
Pattern referencesSearchStringWithLanguage = Pattern
.compile(getReferencesSearchString() + "_" + languageOfCurrentDocument);
Pattern referencesSearchStringWithOutLanguage = Pattern
.compile(getReferencesSearchString() + "\\.html");
log.debug("languageOfCurrentDocument: " + languageOfCurrentDocument);
log.debug("defaultLanguage: " + defaultLanguage);
log.debug("referencesSearchStringWithOutLanguage: "
+ referencesSearchStringWithOutLanguage.pattern());
log.debug("referencesSearchStringWithLanguage: "
+ referencesSearchStringWithLanguage.pattern());
// a link is indeed to the current document if the following
// conditions
// are met:
// 1. the link is to foo_xx and the language of the current
// document is xx.
// 2. or the link is to foo.html and the language of the
// current
// document is the default language.
// Now negate the expression because we continue if above
// (1) and (2) are
// false, and you'll get the following if statement
if (!Grep.containsPattern(inconsistentFiles[i],
&& !(Grep.containsPattern(inconsistentFiles[i],
referencesSearchStringWithOutLanguage) && languageOfCurrentDocument
.equals(defaultLanguage))) {
// the reference foo_xx is neither to the language of
// the current
// document.
// nor is the reference foo.html and the current
// document is in the
// default language.
// So the reference is of no importance to us, skip
documentId = fileMapper.getDocumentId(publication, area, inconsistentFiles[i]);
log.debug("documentId: " + documentId);
language = fileMapper.getLanguage(inconsistentFiles[i]);
if (language == null) {
language = publication.getDefaultLanguage();
log.debug("language: " + language);