Package org.apache.ldap.server.authn

Examples of org.apache.ldap.server.authn.LdapPrincipal

    public void add( NextInterceptor next, String upName, Name normName, Attributes entry ) throws NamingException
        // Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
        Invocation invocation = InvocationStack.getInstance().peek();
        LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) invocation.getCaller() ).getPrincipal();

        // bypass authz code if we are disabled
        if ( ! enabled )
            next.add( upName, normName, entry );

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) )
            next.add( upName, normName, entry );
            tupleCache.subentryAdded( upName, normName, entry );
            groupCache.groupAdded( upName, normName, entry );

        // perform checks below here for all non-admin users
        SubentryService subentryService = ( SubentryService ) chain.get( "subentryService" );
        Attributes subentryAttrs = subentryService.getSubentryAttributes( normName, entry );
        NamingEnumeration attrList = entry.getAll();
        while( attrList.hasMore() )
            subentryAttrs.put( ( Attribute ) );

        // Assemble all the information required to make an access control decision
        Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
        Collection tuples = new HashSet();

        // Build the total collection of tuples to be considered for add rights
        // NOTE: entryACI are NOT considered in adds (it would be a security breech)
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( invocation.getProxy(), tuples, normName, subentryAttrs );
        addSubentryAciTuples( invocation.getProxy(), tuples, normName, subentryAttrs );

        // check if entry scope permission is granted
        DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy proxy = invocation.getProxy();
        engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
                normName, null, null, ADD_PERMS, tuples, subentryAttrs );

        // now we must check if attribute type and value scope permission is granted
        NamingEnumeration attributeList = entry.getAll();
        while ( attributeList.hasMore() )
            Attribute attr = ( Attribute );
            for ( int ii = 0; ii < attr.size(); ii++ )
                engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(),
                        user.getAuthenticationLevel(), normName, attr.getID(),
                        attr.get( ii ), ADD_PERMS, tuples, entry );

        // if we've gotten this far then access has been granted
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        // Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
        Invocation invocation = InvocationStack.getInstance().peek();
        DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy proxy = invocation.getProxy();
        Attributes entry = proxy.lookup( name, DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
        LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) invocation.getCaller() ).getPrincipal();

        // bypass authz code if we are disabled
        if ( ! enabled )
            next.delete( name );

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) )
            next.delete( name );
            tupleCache.subentryDeleted( name, entry );
            groupCache.groupDeleted( name, entry );

        Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
        Collection tuples = new HashSet();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( proxy, tuples, name, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( proxy, tuples, name, entry );

        engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, null,
                null, REMOVE_PERMS, tuples, entry );

        next.delete( name );
        tupleCache.subentryDeleted( name, entry );
        groupCache.groupDeleted( name, entry );
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        // Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
        Invocation invocation = InvocationStack.getInstance().peek();
        DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy proxy = invocation.getProxy();
        Attributes entry = proxy.lookup( name, DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
        LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) invocation.getCaller() ).getPrincipal();

        // bypass authz code if we are disabled
        if ( ! enabled )
            next.modify( name, modOp, mods );

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) )
            next.modify( name, modOp, mods );
            tupleCache.subentryModified( name, modOp, mods, entry );
            groupCache.groupModified( name, modOp, mods, entry );

        Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
        Collection tuples = new HashSet();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( proxy, tuples, name, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( proxy, tuples, name, entry );

        engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, null,
                null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.MODIFY ), tuples, entry );

        NamingEnumeration attrList = mods.getAll();
        Collection perms = null;
        switch( modOp )
            case( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE ):
                perms = ADD_PERMS;
            case( DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE ):
                perms = REMOVE_PERMS;
            case( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE ):
                perms = REPLACE_PERMS;

        while( attrList.hasMore() )
            Attribute attr = ( Attribute );
            for ( int ii = 0; ii < attr.size(); ii++ )
                engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
                        name, attr.getID(), attr.get( ii ), perms, tuples, entry );

        next.modify( name, modOp, mods );
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        // Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
        Invocation invocation = InvocationStack.getInstance().peek();
        DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy proxy = invocation.getProxy();
        Attributes entry = proxy.lookup( name, DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
        LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) invocation.getCaller() ).getPrincipal();

        // bypass authz code if we are disabled
        if ( ! enabled )
            next.modify( name, mods );

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) )
            next.modify( name, mods );
            tupleCache.subentryModified( name, mods, entry );
            groupCache.groupModified( name, mods, entry );

        Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
        Collection tuples = new HashSet();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( proxy, tuples, name, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( proxy, tuples, name, entry );

        engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, null,
                null, Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.MODIFY ), tuples, entry );

        Collection perms = null;
        for ( int ii = 0; ii < mods.length; ii++ )
            switch( mods[ii].getModificationOp() )
                case( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE ):
                    perms = ADD_PERMS;
                case( DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE ):
                    perms = REMOVE_PERMS;
                case( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE ):
                    perms = REPLACE_PERMS;

            Attribute attr = mods[ii].getAttribute();
            for ( int jj = 0; jj < attr.size(); jj++ )
                engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
                        name, attr.getID(), attr.get( jj ), perms, tuples, entry );

        next.modify( name, mods );
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    public boolean hasEntry( NextInterceptor next, Name name ) throws NamingException
        Invocation invocation = InvocationStack.getInstance().peek();
        DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy proxy = invocation.getProxy();
        Attributes entry = proxy.lookup( name, DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
        LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) invocation.getCaller() ).getPrincipal();

        if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
            return next.hasEntry( name );

        Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
        Collection tuples = new HashSet();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( proxy, tuples, name, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( proxy, tuples, name, entry );

        // check that we have browse access to the entry
        engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, null,
                null, BROWSE_PERMS, tuples, entry );

        return next.hasEntry( name );
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    public Attributes lookup( NextInterceptor next, Name dn, String[] attrIds ) throws NamingException
        Invocation invocation = InvocationStack.getInstance().peek();
        DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy proxy = invocation.getProxy();
        Attributes entry = proxy.lookup( dn, DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
        LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) invocation.getCaller() ).getPrincipal();

        if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
            return next.lookup( dn, attrIds );

        checkLookupAccess( user, dn, entry );
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    public Attributes lookup( NextInterceptor next, Name name ) throws NamingException
        Invocation invocation = InvocationStack.getInstance().peek();
        DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy proxy = invocation.getProxy();
        Attributes entry = proxy.lookup( name, DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
        LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) invocation.getCaller() ).getPrincipal();

        if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) || ! enabled )
            return next.lookup( name );

        checkLookupAccess( user, name, entry );
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        // Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
        Invocation invocation = InvocationStack.getInstance().peek();
        DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy proxy = invocation.getProxy();
        Attributes entry = proxy.lookup( name, DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
        LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) invocation.getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
        Name newName = ( Name ) name.clone();
        newName.remove( name.size() - 1 );
        newName.add( newRn );

        // bypass authz code if we are disabled
        if ( ! enabled )
            next.modifyRn( name, newRn, deleteOldRn );

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) )
            next.modifyRn( name, newRn, deleteOldRn );
            tupleCache.subentryRenamed( name, newName );
            groupCache.groupRenamed( name, newName );

        Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
        Collection tuples = new HashSet();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( proxy, tuples, name, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( proxy, tuples, name, entry );

        engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(), name, null,
                null, RENAME_PERMS, tuples, entry );

//        if ( deleteOldRn )
//        {
//            String oldRn = name.get( name.size() - 1 );
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        // Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
        Invocation invocation = InvocationStack.getInstance().peek();
        DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy proxy = invocation.getProxy();
        Attributes entry = proxy.lookup( oriChildName, DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
        LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) invocation.getCaller() ).getPrincipal();
        Name newName = ( Name ) newParentName.clone();
        newName.add( newRn );

        // bypass authz code if we are disabled
        if ( ! enabled )
            next.move( oriChildName, newParentName, newRn, deleteOldRn );

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) )
            next.move( oriChildName, newParentName, newRn, deleteOldRn );
            tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
            groupCache.groupRenamed( oriChildName, newName );

        Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
        Collection tuples = new HashSet();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( proxy, tuples, oriChildName, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( proxy, tuples, oriChildName, entry );

        engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
                oriChildName, null, null, MOVERENAME_PERMS, tuples, entry );

        Collection destTuples = new HashSet();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( proxy, destTuples, oriChildName, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( destTuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( proxy, destTuples, oriChildName, entry );
        engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
                oriChildName, null, null, IMPORT_PERMS, tuples, entry );

//        if ( deleteOldRn )
//        {
//            String oldRn = oriChildName.get( oriChildName.size() - 1 );
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        Invocation invocation = InvocationStack.getInstance().peek();
        DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy proxy = invocation.getProxy();
        Attributes entry = proxy.lookup( oriChildName, DirectoryPartitionNexusProxy.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
        Name newName = ( Name ) newParentName.clone();
        newName.add( oriChildName.get( oriChildName.size() - 1 ) );
        LdapPrincipal user = ( ( ServerContext ) invocation.getCaller() ).getPrincipal();

        // bypass authz code if we are disabled
        if ( ! enabled )
            next.move( oriChildName, newParentName );

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase( DirectoryPartitionNexus.ADMIN_PRINCIPAL ) )
            next.move( oriChildName, newParentName );
            tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
            groupCache.groupRenamed( oriChildName, newName );

        Set userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( user.getName() );
        Collection tuples = new HashSet();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( proxy, tuples, oriChildName, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( proxy, tuples, oriChildName, entry );

        engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
                oriChildName, null, null, EXPORT_PERMS, tuples, entry );

        Collection destTuples = new HashSet();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( proxy, destTuples, oriChildName, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( destTuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( proxy, destTuples, oriChildName, entry );
        engine.checkPermission( proxy, userGroups, user.getJndiName(), user.getAuthenticationLevel(),
                oriChildName, null, null, IMPORT_PERMS, tuples, entry );

        next.move( oriChildName, newParentName );
        tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
        groupCache.groupRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
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Related Classes of org.apache.ldap.server.authn.LdapPrincipal

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