public AxisProcessor(Message soapResponse,MessageContext messageContext)
// get a new monitor from the MonitorFactory
Monitor monitor = MonitorFactory.getMonitor();
// if monitoring is turned on inspect the MessageContext
if (monitor != null)
// grab a reference to the SOAP request from
// the Message Context
Message soapRequest = messageContext.getRequestMessage();
// write the SOAP request XML out to the log (on debug)
try { log.debug(soapRequest.getSOAPPartAsString()); }
catch(AxisFault af) {
Element request = null;
Element response = null;
String function = null;
String generic = null;
// pull the uddi request xml element from
// the body of the soapRequest
SOAPEnvelope env = soapRequest.getSOAPEnvelope();
SOAPBodyElement requestBody = env.getFirstBody();
request = requestBody.getAsDOM();
// make the monitor inspect the SOAP Body
// DOM element
if (monitor != null)
// grab the function name from this element -
// we'll need this to lookup the xml handler
// to use to unmarshal the xml into a juddi
// object.
function = request.getLocalName();
// grab the generic value - we'll need it in
// the event that an exception is thrown.
generic = request.getAttribute("generic");
if (generic == null)
generic = IRegistry.UDDI_V2_GENERIC;
// lookup the appropriate xml handler, throw
// an UnsupportedException if one could not be
// located.
IHandler requestHandler = maker.lookup(function);
if (requestHandler == null)
throw new UnsupportedException("The request " +
"type is unknown: " +function);
// unmarshal the raw xml into an associated
// jUDDI request object.
RegistryObject uddiRequest = requestHandler.unmarshal(request);
// make the monitor inspect the UDDI request
// object
if (monitor != null)
// Determine if this message came from through
// the Publish, Inquiry or Admin API and handle
// it appropriately.
Object juddiServlet = messageContext.getProperty("transport.http.servlet");
// confirm that the the appropriate endpoint
// was used to invoke the selected jUDDI/UDDI
// function.
if((juddiServlet instanceof InquiryServlet) &&
(!(uddiRequest instanceof org.apache.juddi.datatype.request.Inquiry)))
throw new RegistryException("Inquiry API " +
"does not support function: "+function);
else if (juddiServlet instanceof PublishServlet &&
(!(uddiRequest instanceof org.apache.juddi.datatype.request.Publish) &&
!(uddiRequest instanceof org.apache.juddi.datatype.request.SecurityPolicy)))
throw new RegistryException("Publish API " +
"does not support function: "+function);
else if ((juddiServlet instanceof AdminServlet) && // Admin
(!(uddiRequest instanceof org.apache.juddi.datatype.request.Admin)))
throw new RegistryException("Admin API " +
"does not support function: "+function);
// grab a reference to the shared jUDDI registry
// instance (make sure it's running) and execute
// the requested UDDI function.
RegistryObject uddiResponse = null;
RegistryEngine registry = RegistryServlet.getRegistry();
if ((registry != null) && (registry.isAvailable()))
uddiResponse = registry.execute(uddiRequest);
throw new BusyException("The Registry is unavailable");
// create a new 'temp' XML element. This
// element is used as a container in which
// to marshal the UDDI response into.
Document document = XMLUtils.createDocument();
Element element = document.createElement("temp");
// lookup the appropriate response handler
// and marshal the juddi object into the
// appropriate xml format (we only support
// uddi v2.0 at this time) attaching results
// to the temporary 'temp' element.
IHandler responseHandler = maker.lookup(uddiResponse.getClass().getName());
// grab a reference to the 'temp' element's
// only child here (this has the effect of
// discarding the temp element) and appending
// this child to the soap response body.
response = (Element)element.getFirstChild();
catch(RegistryException rex)
String fCode = rex.getFaultCode();
String fString = rex.getFaultString();
String fActor = rex.getFaultActor();
DispositionReport dispRpt = rex.getDispositionReport();
if (dispRpt != null)
if (monitor != null)
response = createFault(fCode,fString,fActor,dispRpt);
catch(AxisFault axf)
String fCode = String.valueOf(axf.getFaultCode());
String fString = axf.getFaultString();
String fActor = axf.getFaultActor();
if (monitor != null)
response = createFault(fCode,fString,fActor,null);
catch(Exception ex)
String fCode = null;
String fString = ex.getMessage();
String fActor = null;
if (monitor != null)
response = createFault(fCode,fString,fActor,null);
// write the monitored information to the currently
// configured 'Monitor' implemneted registry (the
// default Monitor implementation writes the monitored
// information to a database table via JDBC).
if (monitor != null)
try {
SOAPBodyElement soapRespBody = new SOAPBodyElement(response);
SOAPEnvelope soapRespEnv = soapResponse.getSOAPEnvelope();