if ((function == null) || (function.trim().length() == 0))
throw new FatalErrorException("The name of the UDDI request " +
"could not be identified.");
IHandler requestHandler = maker.lookup(function);
if (requestHandler == null)
throw new UnsupportedException("The UDDI request " +
"type specified is unknown: " + function);
String generic = uddiReq.getAttribute("generic");
if (generic == null)
throw new FatalErrorException("A UDDI generic attribute " +
"value was not found for UDDI request: " + function + " (The " +
"'generic' attribute must be present)");
else if (!generic.equals(IRegistry.UDDI_V2_GENERIC))
throw new UnsupportedException("Currently only UDDI v2 " +
"requests are supported. The generic attribute value " +
"received was: " + generic);
// Unmarshal the raw xml into the appropriate jUDDI
// request object.