if (hit != null)
NodeImplProxy proxy = hit.getNode();
if (proxy.getNode() == null)
throw new NodeDoesNotExistException("No node of type " + nodeType + "found at path: " + fullPath);
return proxy;
Criteria c = new Criteria();
c.addEqualTo("fullPath", fullPath);
c.addEqualTo("nodeType", new Integer(nodeType));
Query query = QueryFactory.newQuery(NodeImpl.class, c);
Node nodeObj = (Node) getPersistenceBrokerTemplate().getObjectByQuery(query);
if (null != nodeObj)
NodeImplProxy proxy = new NodeImplProxy(nodeObj);
addToCache(new NodeCache(proxy));
return proxy;
addToCache(new NodeCache(new NodeImplProxy(fullPath, nodeType)));
throw new NodeDoesNotExistException("No node of type " + nodeType + "found at path: " + fullPath);