represent a file from the classpath, such as C:\JRun\jsm-default\classes\ which we load via load("\") as a group of Properties in a hashtable; thus alpha_zip=1111 beta_zip=2222 gamma_zip=3333 alpha_zap=uggle wurple=wing beta_zap=wuggle zurple=zing becomes a PropertyGroups with Enumeration propertyKeys()=[alpha,beta,gamma] Enumeration simpleKeys()=[wurple,zurple] Properties getProperties("alpha") = {zip=1111,zap=uggle} String getProperty("wurple")=wing. String getProperty("alpha","bibble")=bibble It is an error to define a key both as a group name and a property: alpha=stringval would be an error; it would conflict with alpha_zip or alpha_zap. it is not an error to ask for a property whose name is a group name, but the answer is null.
@author asmuts
@created January 15, 2002