Package org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.lateral.socket.tcp.behavior

Examples of org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.lateral.socket.tcp.behavior.ITCPLateralCacheAttributes

     * @see org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.AuxiliaryCacheFactory#createCache(org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.AuxiliaryCacheAttributes,
     *      org.apache.jcs.engine.behavior.ICompositeCacheManager)
    public AuxiliaryCache createCache( AuxiliaryCacheAttributes iaca, ICompositeCacheManager cacheMgr )
        ITCPLateralCacheAttributes lac = (ITCPLateralCacheAttributes) iaca;
        ArrayList noWaits = new ArrayList();

        // pars up the tcp servers and set the tcpServer value and
        // get the manager and then get the cache
        // no servers are required.
        if ( lac.getTcpServers() != null )
            StringTokenizer it = new StringTokenizer( lac.getTcpServers(), "," );
            if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
                log.debug( "Configured for [" + it.countTokens() + "]  servers." );
            while ( it.hasMoreElements() )
                String server = (String) it.nextElement();
                if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
                    log.debug( "tcp server = " + server );
                ITCPLateralCacheAttributes lacC = (ITCPLateralCacheAttributes) lac.copy();
                lacC.setTcpServer( server );
                LateralTCPCacheManager lcm = LateralTCPCacheManager.getInstance( lacC, cacheMgr );
                ICache ic = lcm.getCache( lacC.getCacheName() );
                if ( ic != null )
                    noWaits.add( ic );
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     * @see org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.lateral.LateralCacheAbstractFactory#createListener(org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.lateral.LateralCacheAttributes,
     *      org.apache.jcs.engine.behavior.ICompositeCacheManager)
    public void createListener( ILateralCacheAttributes lac, ICompositeCacheManager cacheMgr )
        ITCPLateralCacheAttributes attr = (ITCPLateralCacheAttributes) lac;
        // don't create a listener if we are not receiving.
        if ( attr.isReceive() )
            if ( log.isInfoEnabled() )
       "Creating listener for " + lac );
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                    // get a cache and add it to the no waits
                    // the add method should not add the same.
                    // we need the listener port from the original config.
                    ITCPLateralCacheAttributes lca = null;
                    if ( service.getTcpLateralCacheAttributes() != null )
                        lca = (ITCPLateralCacheAttributes) service.getTcpLateralCacheAttributes().copy();
                        lca = new TCPLateralCacheAttributes();
                    lca.setTransmissionType( LateralCacheAttributes.TCP );
                    lca.setTcpServer( message.getHost() + ":" + message.getPort() );
                    LateralTCPCacheManager lcm = LateralTCPCacheManager.getInstance( lca, cacheMgr );

                    ArrayList regions = message.getCacheNames();
                    if ( regions != null )
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Related Classes of org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.lateral.socket.tcp.behavior.ITCPLateralCacheAttributes

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