responseString = "503 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.PERMANENT,DSNStatus.DELIVERY_OTHER)+" No recipients specified";
} else {
responseString = "354 Ok Send data ending with <CRLF>.<CRLF>";
InputStream msgIn = new CharTerminatedInputStream(session.getInputStream(), SMTPTerminator);
try {
msgIn = new BytesReadResetInputStream(msgIn,
// if the message size limit has been set, we'll
// wrap msgIn with a SizeLimitedInputStream
long maxMessageSize = session.getConfigurationData().getMaxMessageSize();
if (maxMessageSize > 0) {
if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuffer logBuffer =
new StringBuffer(128)
.append("Using SizeLimitedInputStream ")
.append(" with max message size: ")
msgIn = new SizeLimitedInputStream(msgIn, maxMessageSize);
// Removes the dot stuffing
msgIn = new DotStuffingInputStream(msgIn);
// Parse out the message headers
MailHeaders headers = new MailHeaders(msgIn);
headers = processMailHeaders(session, headers);
processMail(session, headers, msgIn);
headers = null;
} catch (MessagingException me) {
// Grab any exception attached to this one.
Exception e = me.getNextException();
// If there was an attached exception, and it's a
// MessageSizeException
if (e != null && e instanceof MessageSizeException) {
// Add an item to the state to suppress
// logging of extra lines of data
// that are sent after the size limit has
// been hit.
session.getState().put(SMTPSession.MESG_FAILED, Boolean.TRUE);
// then let the client know that the size
// limit has been hit.
responseString = "552 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.PERMANENT,DSNStatus.SYSTEM_MSG_TOO_BIG)+" Error processing message: "
+ e.getMessage();
StringBuffer errorBuffer =
new StringBuffer(256)
.append("Rejected message from ")
.append(" from host ")
.append(" (")
.append(") exceeding system maximum message size of ")
} else {
responseString = "451 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.TRANSIENT,DSNStatus.UNDEFINED_STATUS)+" Error processing message: "
+ me.getMessage();
getLogger().error("Unknown error occurred while processing DATA.", me);
} finally {
if (msgIn != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Ignore close exception
msgIn = null;