Package org.apache.james.mailbox

Examples of org.apache.james.mailbox.MessageManager

        super(ExpungeRequest.class, next, mailboxManager, factory);

    protected void doProcess(ExpungeRequest request, ImapSession session, String tag, ImapCommand command, Responder responder) {
        try {
            final MessageManager mailbox = getSelectedMailbox(session);
            final MailboxSession mailboxSession = ImapSessionUtils.getMailboxSession(session);

            int expunged = 0;
            MetaData mdata = mailbox.getMetaData(false, mailboxSession, FetchGroup.NO_COUNT);

            if (!mdata.isWriteable()) {
                no(command, tag, responder, HumanReadableText.MAILBOX_IS_READ_ONLY);
            } else {
                IdRange[] ranges = request.getUidSet();
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        final boolean useUids = request.isUseUids();
        final long unchangedSince = request.getUnchangedSince();
        ImapCommand imapCommand = command;
        try {
            final MessageManager mailbox = getSelectedMailbox(session);
            final MailboxSession mailboxSession = ImapSessionUtils.getMailboxSession(session);
            final Flags flags = request.getFlags();
            if (unchangedSince != -1) {
              MetaData metaData = mailbox.getMetaData(false, mailboxSession, FetchGroup.NO_COUNT);
                if (metaData.isModSeqPermanent() == false) {
                    // Check if the mailbox did not support modsequences. If so return a tagged bad response.
                    // See RFC4551 3.1.2. NOMODSEQ Response Code
                    taggedBad(command, tag, responder, HumanReadableText.NO_MOD_SEQ);
                } else if (unchangedSince == 0){
                    Flags.Flag[] systemFlags = flags.getSystemFlags();
                    if (systemFlags != null && systemFlags.length != 0) {
                        // we need to return all sequences as failed when using a UNCHANGEDSINCE 0 and the request specify a SYSTEM flags
                        // See RFC4551 3.2. STORE and UID STORE Command;
                        //       Use of UNCHANGEDSINCE with a modification sequence of 0 always
                        //       fails if the metadata item exists.  A system flag MUST always be
                        //       considered existent, whether it was set or not.
                        final StatusResponse response = getStatusResponseFactory().taggedOk(tag, command, HumanReadableText.FAILED, ResponseCode.condStore(idSet));
            final List<Long> failed = new ArrayList<Long>();
            final List<String> userFlags = Arrays.asList(flags.getUserFlags());
            for (int i = 0; i < idSet.length; i++) {
                final SelectedMailbox selected = session.getSelected();
                MessageRange messageSet = messageRange(selected, idSet[i], useUids);
                if (messageSet != null) {
                    if (unchangedSince != -1) {
                        // Ok we have a CONDSTORE option so use the CONDSTORE_COMMAND
                        imapCommand = CONDSTORE_COMMAND;
                        List<Long> uids = new ArrayList<Long>();

                        MessageResultIterator results = mailbox.getMessages(messageSet, FetchGroupImpl.MINIMAL, mailboxSession);
                        while(results.hasNext()) {
                            MessageResult r =;
                            long uid = r.getUid();
                            boolean fail = false;
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        if (metaData.isModSeqPermanent() && lastKnownUidValidity != null) {
            if (lastKnownUidValidity == metaData.getUidValidity()) {
                final MailboxManager mailboxManager = getMailboxManager();
                final MailboxSession mailboxSession = ImapSessionUtils.getMailboxSession(session);
                final MessageManager mailbox = mailboxManager.getMailbox(fullMailboxPath, mailboxSession);
                //  If the provided UIDVALIDITY matches that of the selected mailbox, the
                //  server then checks the last known modification sequence.
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    private MessageManager.MetaData selectMailbox(MailboxPath mailboxPath, ImapSession session) throws MailboxException {
        final MailboxManager mailboxManager = getMailboxManager();
        final MailboxSession mailboxSession = ImapSessionUtils.getMailboxSession(session);
        final MessageManager mailbox = mailboxManager.getMailbox(mailboxPath, mailboxSession);

        final SelectedMailbox sessionMailbox;
        final SelectedMailbox currentMailbox = session.getSelected();
        if (currentMailbox == null || !currentMailbox.getPath().equals(mailboxPath)) {
            // QRESYNC EXTENSION
            // Response with the CLOSE return-code when the currently selected mailbox is closed implicitly using the SELECT/EXAMINE command on another mailbox
            // See rfc5162 3.7. CLOSED Response Code
            if (currentMailbox != null) {
                getStatusResponseFactory().untaggedOk(HumanReadableText.QRESYNC_CLOSED, ResponseCode.closed());
            session.selected(new SelectedMailboxImpl(getMailboxManager(),  session, mailboxPath));

            sessionMailbox = session.getSelected();
        } else {
            // TODO: Check if we need to handle CONDSTORE there too
            sessionMailbox = currentMailbox;
        final MessageManager.MetaData metaData = mailbox.getMetaData(!openReadOnly, mailboxSession, MessageManager.MetaData.FetchGroup.FIRST_UNSEEN);
        addRecent(metaData, sessionMailbox);
        return metaData;
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            if (capability.equalsIgnoreCase(ImapConstants.SUPPORTS_CONDSTORE)|| capability.equalsIgnoreCase(ImapConstants.SUPPORTS_QRESYNC)) {
                try {
                    MetaData metaData  = null;
                    boolean send = false;
                    if (sm != null) {
                        MessageManager mailbox = getSelectedMailbox(session);
                        metaData = mailbox.getMetaData(false, ImapSessionUtils.getMailboxSession(session), FetchGroup.NO_COUNT);
                        send= true;
                    condstoreEnablingCommand(session, responder, metaData, send);
                } catch (MailboxException e) {
                    throw new EnableException("Unable to enable " + capability, e);
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        final MailboxManager mailboxManager = getMailboxManager();
        final MailboxSession mailboxSession = ImapSessionUtils.getMailboxSession(session);
        final String mailboxName = message.getMailboxName();
        try {

            MessageManager messageManager = mailboxManager.getMailbox(buildFullPath(session, mailboxName), mailboxSession);
            MailboxACLRights myRights = messageManager.myRights(mailboxSession);

             * RFC 4314 section 6. An implementation MUST make sure the ACL
             * commands themselves do not give information about mailboxes with
             * appropriately restricted ACLs. For example, when a user agent
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        final MailboxPath mailboxPath = buildFullPath(session, mailboxName);

        try {

            final MailboxManager mailboxManager = getMailboxManager();
            final MessageManager mailbox = mailboxManager.getMailbox(mailboxPath, ImapSessionUtils.getMailboxSession(session));
            appendToMailbox(messageIn, datetime, flags, session, tag, command, mailbox, responder, mailboxPath);
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            // consume message on exception
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        final boolean useUids = request.isUseUids();
        List<SearchResultOption> resultOptions = operation.getResultOptions();

        try {

            final MessageManager mailbox = getSelectedMailbox(session);

            final SearchQuery query = toQuery(searchKey, session);
            MailboxSession msession = ImapSessionUtils.getMailboxSession(session);
            final Iterator<Long> it =, msession);
            final Collection<Long> results = new TreeSet<Long>();
            final Collection<Long> uids = new TreeSet<Long>();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                final long uid =;
                final Long number;
                if (useUids) {
                    number = uid;
                } else {
                    final int msn = session.getSelected().msn(uid);
                    number = (long) msn;
                if (number == SelectedMailbox.NO_SUCH_MESSAGE == false)
            // Check if the search did contain the MODSEQ searchkey. If so we need to include the highest mod in the response.
            // See RFC4551: 3.4. MODSEQ Search Criterion in SEARCH
            final Long highestModSeq;
            if (session.getAttribute(SEARCH_MODSEQ) != null) {
                MetaData metaData = mailbox.getMetaData(false, msession , MessageManager.MetaData.FetchGroup.NO_COUNT);
                highestModSeq = findHighestModSeq(msession, mailbox, MessageRange.toRanges(uids), metaData.getHighestModSeq());
                // Enable CONDSTORE as this is a CONDSTORE enabling command
                condstoreEnablingCommand(session, responder,  metaData, true);               
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            if (!mailboxExists) {
                no(command, tag, responder, HumanReadableText.FAILURE_NO_SUCH_MAILBOX, ResponseCode.tryCreate());
            } else {

                final MessageManager mailbox = mailboxManager.getMailbox(targetMailbox, mailboxSession);

                List<IdRange> resultRanges = new ArrayList<IdRange>();
                for (int i = 0; i < idSet.length; i++) {
                    MessageRange messageSet = messageRange(currentMailbox, idSet[i], useUids);
                    if (messageSet != null) {
                        List<MessageRange> processedUids = process(
                targetMailbox, currentMailbox, mailboxSession,
                mailboxManager, messageSet);
                        for (MessageRange mr : processedUids) {
                            // Set recent flag on copied message as this SHOULD be
                            // done.
                            // See RFC 3501 6.4.7. COPY Command
                            // See IMAP-287
                            // Disable this as this is now done directly in the scope of the copy operation.
                            // See MAILBOX-85
                            //mailbox.setFlags(new Flags(Flags.Flag.RECENT), true, false, mr, mailboxSession);
                            resultRanges.add(new IdRange(mr.getUidFrom(), mr.getUidTo()));
                IdRange[] resultUids = IdRange.mergeRanges(resultRanges).toArray(new IdRange[0]);

                // get folder UIDVALIDITY
                Long uidValidity = mailbox.getMetaData(false, mailboxSession, FetchGroup.NO_UNSEEN).getUidValidity();

                unsolicitedResponses(session, responder, useUids);
                okComplete(command, tag, ResponseCode.copyUid(uidValidity, idSet, resultUids), responder);
        } catch (MessageRangeException e) {
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            if (logger != null && logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Status called on mailbox named " + mailboxPath);

            final MailboxManager mailboxManager = getMailboxManager();
            final MessageManager mailbox = mailboxManager.getMailbox(mailboxPath, ImapSessionUtils.getMailboxSession(session));
            final MessageManager.MetaData.FetchGroup fetchGroup;
            if (statusDataItems.isUnseen()) {
                fetchGroup = MessageManager.MetaData.FetchGroup.UNSEEN_COUNT;
            } else {
                fetchGroup = MessageManager.MetaData.FetchGroup.NO_UNSEEN;
            final MessageManager.MetaData metaData = mailbox.getMetaData(false, mailboxSession, fetchGroup);

            final Long messages = messages(statusDataItems, metaData);
            final Long recent = recent(statusDataItems, metaData);
            final Long uidNext = uidNext(statusDataItems, metaData);
            final Long uidValidity = uidValidity(statusDataItems, metaData);
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Related Classes of org.apache.james.mailbox.MessageManager

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