Package org.apache.james.mailbox

Examples of org.apache.james.mailbox.MailboxPath
"Found " + mailboxPathList.size() + " mailboxes in source mailbox manager.");
        for (int i=0; i < mailboxPathList.size(); i++) {
  "Mailbox#" + i + " path=" + mailboxPathList.get(i));

        MailboxPath mailboxPath = null;
        for (int i=0; i < mailboxPathList.size(); i++) {
            mailboxPath = mailboxPathList.get(i);
            if ((mailboxPath.getName() != null) && (mailboxPath.getName().trim().length() > 0)) {
      "Ready to copy source mailbox path=" + mailboxPath.toString());

                srcMailboxSession = srcMailboxManager.createSystemSession(mailboxPath.getUser(), log);
                dstMailboxSession = dstMailboxManager.createSystemSession(mailboxPath.getUser(), log);

                try {
                    dstMailboxManager.createMailbox(mailboxPath, dstMailboxSession);
          "Destination mailbox " + i + "/" + mailboxPathList.size()
                            + " created with path=" + mailboxPath.toString()
                            + " after " + (Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() - start.getTimeInMillis()) + " ms.");
                } catch (MailboxExistsException e) {
                    log.error("Mailbox " + i + " with path=" + mailboxPath.toString() + " already exists.", e);

                MessageManager srcMessageManager = srcMailboxManager.getMailbox(mailboxPath, srcMailboxSession);

                MessageManager dstMessageManager = dstMailboxManager.getMailbox(mailboxPath, dstMailboxSession);

                int j=0;
                Iterator<MessageResult> messageResultIterator = srcMessageManager.getMessages(MessageRange.all(), GROUP, srcMailboxSession);
                while (messageResultIterator.hasNext()) {

                    MessageResult messageResult =;
                    InputStreamContent content = (InputStreamContent) messageResult.getFullContent();

                    dstMessageManager.appendMessage(content.getInputStream(), messageResult.getInternalDate(), dstMailboxSession, messageResult.getFlags().contains(Flag.RECENT), messageResult.getFlags());
          "Message #" + j + " appended in destination mailbox with path=" + mailboxPath.toString());


            else {
      "Destination mailbox " + i + "/" + mailboxPathList.size()
                        + " with path=" + mailboxPath.toString()
                        + " has a null or empty name");


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     * @see
    public boolean hasChildren(Mailbox<Integer> mailbox, char delimiter) throws MailboxException, MailboxNotFoundException {
        String searchString = mailbox.getName() + MaildirStore.maildirDelimiter + MaildirStore.WILDCARD;
        List<Mailbox<Integer>> mailboxes = findMailboxWithPathLike(
                new MailboxPath(mailbox.getNamespace(), mailbox.getUser(), searchString));
        return (mailboxes.size() > 0);
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            else {
                userName = user.getName() + "@" + domain.getName();
            // Special case for INBOX: Let's use the user's folder.
            MailboxPath inboxMailboxPath = new MailboxPath(session.getPersonalSpace(), userName, MailboxConstants.INBOX);
            mailboxList.add(maildirStore.loadMailbox(session, inboxMailboxPath));
            // List all INBOX sub folders.
            File[] mailboxes = user.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
                public boolean accept(File pathname) {
                    return pathname.getName().startsWith(".");
            for (File mailbox: mailboxes) {
                MailboxPath mailboxPath = new MailboxPath(MailboxConstants.USER_NAMESPACE,
                mailboxList.add(maildirStore.loadMailbox(session, mailboxPath));

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            String user = "test@localhost";
            MailboxSession session = manager.createSystemSession(user, LoggerFactory.getLogger("Test"));
            manager.createMailbox(new MailboxPath(MailboxConstants.USER_NAMESPACE, user, "Trash"), session);
            manager.createMailbox(new MailboxPath(MailboxConstants.USER_NAMESPACE, user, "INBOX.testfolder"), session);
            // this threw NPE
            manager.getMailbox(MailboxPath.inbox(session), session).appendMessage(new ByteArrayInputStream("Subject: test\r\n\r\ntestmail".getBytes()), new Date(), session, false, new Flags());

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     * Create a {@link MaildirFolder} for a mailbox
     * @param mailbox
     * @return The MaildirFolder
    public MaildirFolder createMaildirFolder(Mailbox<Integer> mailbox) {
        return new MaildirFolder(getFolderName(mailbox), new MailboxPath(mailbox.getNamespace(), mailbox.getUser(), mailbox.getName()), locker);
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     * @return The Mailbox object populated with data from the file system
     * @throws MailboxException If the mailbox folder doesn't exist or can't be read
    public Mailbox<Integer> loadMailbox(MailboxSession session, File root, String namespace, String user, String folderName) throws MailboxException {
        String mailboxName = getMailboxNameFromFolderName(folderName);
        return loadMailbox(session, new File(root, folderName), new MailboxPath(namespace, user, mailboxName));
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     * @throws MailboxException
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
    private void feedMockMailboxManager() throws MailboxException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

        MailboxPath mailboxPath = null;
        for (int i=0; i < DOMAIN_COUNT; i++) {

            for (int j=0; j < USER_COUNT; j++) {
                String user = "user" + j + "@localhost" + i;
                String folderName = "INBOX";

                MailboxSession mailboxSession = getMockMailboxManager().createSystemSession(user, LoggerFactory.getLogger("mailboxmanager-test"));
                mailboxPath = new MailboxPath("#private", user, folderName);
                createMailbox(mailboxSession, mailboxPath);
                for (int k=0; k < SUB_MAILBOXES_COUNT; k++) {
                    String subFolderName = folderName + ".SUB_FOLDER_" + k;
                    mailboxPath = new MailboxPath("#private", user, subFolderName);
                    createMailbox(mailboxSession, mailboxPath);
                    for (int l=0; l < SUB_SUB_MAILBOXES_COUNT; l++) {

                        String subSubfolderName = subFolderName + ".SUBSUB_FOLDER_" + l;
                        mailboxPath = new MailboxPath("#private", user, subSubfolderName);
                        createMailbox(mailboxSession, mailboxPath);

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        assertEquals(BASE, expression.getCombinedName());

    public void testNullCombinedName() throws Exception {
        MailboxQuery expression = new MailboxQuery(new MailboxPath(null, null, null), null, '.');
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        assertEquals(BASE + "." + PART, expression.getCombinedName());

    public void testCombinedNameBaseEndsWithDelimiter() throws Exception {
        MailboxQuery expression = new MailboxQuery(new MailboxPath(null, null, BASE + '.'), PART, '.');
        assertEquals(BASE + "." + PART, expression.getCombinedName());
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    public void testCombinedNameBaseEndsWithDelimiterPartStarts()
            throws Exception {
        MailboxQuery expression = new MailboxQuery(new MailboxPath(null, null, BASE + '.'), '.' + PART, '.');
        assertEquals(BASE + "." + PART, expression.getCombinedName());
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Related Classes of org.apache.james.mailbox.MailboxPath

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