int rootLen = ctx.getFsRoot().length();
// create transaction with all changes
VaultFsTransaction tx = ctx.getFileSystem(ctx.getMountpoint()).startTransaction();
ctx.printMessage("Collecting commit information...");
for (VltTree.Info i: infos.infos()) {
i.dir.prepareCommit(tx, i.names, nonRecursive, force);
// do commit (assuming all files from the same repo)
ctx.printMessage("Transmitting file data...");
List<TransactionImpl.Info> txInfos;
try {
txInfos = new ArrayList<TransactionImpl.Info>(tx.commit());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new VltException("Error while committing", e);
// sort them deepest first
Collections.sort(txInfos, new Comparator<TransactionImpl.Info>(){