} else if (where instanceof AndCondition) {
// conditions of type
// @a = 1 and (@x = 1 or @y = 2)
// are automatically converted to
// (@a = 1 and @x = 1) union (@a = 1 and @y = 2)
AndCondition and = (AndCondition) where;
if (and.left instanceof OrCondition && !(and.right instanceof OrCondition)) {
// swap left and right
and = new AndCondition(and.right, and.left);
if (and.right instanceof OrCondition) {
OrCondition or = (OrCondition) and.right;
if (or.getCommonLeftPart() != null) {
// @x = 1 or @x = 2
// is automatically converted to
// @x in (1, 2)
// within the query engine
} else if (or.left instanceof Contains && or.right instanceof Contains) {
// do not optimize "contains"
} else {
// same as above, but with the added "and"
// TODO avoid code duplication if possible
Statement s1 = new Statement();
s1.columnSelector = columnSelector;
s1.selectors = selectors;
s1.columnList = columnList;
s1.where = new AndCondition(and.left, or.left);
Statement s2 = new Statement();
s2.columnSelector = columnSelector;
s2.selectors = selectors;
s2.columnList = columnList;
s2.where = new AndCondition(and.left, or.right);
s2.xpathQuery = xpathQuery;
return new UnionStatement(s1.optimize(), s2.optimize());