// build ordered collection of descendant transient states in attic
// sorted by decreasing relative depth
// use a special attic-aware hierarchy manager
ZombieHierarchyManager zombieHierMgr =
new ZombieHierarchyManager(hierMgr, this, getAttic());
// use an array of lists to group the descendants by relative depth;
// the depth is used as array index
List[] la = new List[10];
try {
for (ItemState state : atticStore.values()) {
// determine relative depth: > 0 means it's a descendant
//int depth = zombieHierMgr.getRelativeDepth(parentId, state.getId());
int depth = zombieHierMgr.getShareRelativeDepth(parentId, state.getId());
if (depth < 1) {
// not a descendant