Package org.apache.hivemind.impl

Examples of org.apache.hivemind.impl.InterceptorStackImpl

        int count = interceptors == null ? 0 : interceptors.size();

        if (count == 0)
            return core;

        InterceptorStackImpl stack = new InterceptorStackImpl(_log, _servicePoint, core);

        // They are sorted into runtime execution order. Since we build from the
        // core service impl outwarads, we have to reverse the runtime execution
        // order to get the build order.
        // That is, if user expects interceptors in order A B C (perhaps using
        // the rules: A before B, C after B).
        // Then that's the order for interceptors list: A B C
        // To get that runtime execution order, we wrap C around the core,
        // wrap B around C, and wrap A around B.

        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            ServiceInterceptorContribution ic = (ServiceInterceptorContribution) interceptors


        // Whatever's on top is the final service.

        return stack.peek();
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        new ConfigurationPointImpl().toString();
        new ElementImpl().toString();
        new AttributeImpl("foo", "bar").toString();
        new ServiceInterceptorContributionImpl().toString();
        new ServicePointImpl().toString();
        new InterceptorStackImpl(null, mockServicePoint, null).toString();
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        // Create interceptor
        InterceptorStackImpl is = new InterceptorStackImpl(log, sp, r);

        Class interceptorClass = f.constructInterceptorClass(is, Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
        Constructor c = interceptorClass.getConstructors()[0];

        Object interceptor =  c.newInstance(new Object[] { is.getServiceLog(), is.peek() });

        Runnable ri = (Runnable) is.peek();


        // Training
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        ModuleImpl module = new ModuleImpl();
        new RegistryInfrastructureImpl(null, Locale.ENGLISH).toString();
        new InterceptorStackImpl(null, mockServicePoint, null).toString();

        ModuleDefinition md = new ModuleDefinitionImpl("module", null, null, null);
        ServicePointDefinitionImpl spd = new ServicePointDefinitionImpl(md, "service", null,
                Visibility.PUBLIC, Runnable.class.getName());
        ImplementationDefinition sid = new ImplementationDefinitionImpl(md,
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        int count = interceptors == null ? 0 : interceptors.size();

        if (count == 0)
            return core;

        InterceptorStackImpl stack = new InterceptorStackImpl(_log, _servicePoint, core);

        // They are sorted into runtime execution order. Since we build from the
        // core service impl outwarads, we have to reverse the runtime execution
        // order to get the build order.
        // That is, if user expects interceptors in order A B C (perhaps using
        // the rules: A before B, C after B).
        // Then that's the order for interceptors list: A B C
        // To get that runtime execution order, we wrap C around the core,
        // wrap B around C, and wrap A around B.

        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            InterceptorDefinition id = (InterceptorDefinition) interceptors


        // Whatever's on top is the final service.

        return stack.peek();
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        int count = interceptors == null ? 0 : interceptors.size();

        if (count == 0)
            return core;

        InterceptorStackImpl stack = new InterceptorStackImpl(_log, _servicePoint, core);

        // They are sorted into runtime execution order. Since we build from the
        // core service impl outwarads, we have to reverse the runtime execution
        // order to get the build order.
        // That is, if user expects interceptors in order A B C (perhaps using
        // the rules: A before B, C after B).
        // Then that's the order for interceptors list: A B C
        // To get that runtime execution order, we wrap C around the core,
        // wrap B around C, and wrap A around B.

        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            ServiceInterceptorContribution ic = (ServiceInterceptorContribution) interceptors


        // Whatever's on top is the final service.

        return stack.peek();
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        InterceptorStackImpl is = new InterceptorStackImpl(log, sp, r);

        f.createInterceptor(is, module, Collections.EMPTY_LIST);

        Runnable ri = (Runnable) is.peek();


        // Training
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        new ConfigurationPointImpl().toString();
        new ElementImpl().toString();
        new AttributeImpl("foo", "bar").toString();
        new ServiceInterceptorContributionImpl().toString();
        new ServicePointImpl().toString();
        new InterceptorStackImpl(null, mockServicePoint, null).toString();
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        int count = interceptors == null ? 0 : interceptors.size();

        if (count == 0)
            return core;

        InterceptorStackImpl stack = new InterceptorStackImpl(_log, _servicePoint, core);

        // They are sorted into runtime execution order. Since we build from the
        // core service impl outwarads, we have to reverse the runtime execution
        // order to get the build order.
        // That is, if user expects interceptors in order A B C (perhaps using
        // the rules: A before B, C after B).
        // Then that's the order for interceptors list: A B C 
        // To get that runtime execution order, we wrap C around the core,
        // wrap B around C, and wrap A around B.

        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            ServiceInterceptorContribution ic =
                (ServiceInterceptorContribution) interceptors.get(i);


        // Whatever's on top is the final service.

        return stack.peek();
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        int count = interceptors == null ? 0 : interceptors.size();

        if (count == 0)
            return core;

        InterceptorStackImpl stack = new InterceptorStackImpl(_log, _servicePoint, core);

        // They are sorted into runtime execution order. Since we build from the
        // core service impl outwarads, we have to reverse the runtime execution
        // order to get the build order.
        // That is, if user expects interceptors in order A B C (perhaps using
        // the rules: A before B, C after B).
        // Then that's the order for interceptors list: A B C
        // To get that runtime execution order, we wrap C around the core,
        // wrap B around C, and wrap A around B.

        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            ServiceInterceptorContribution ic = (ServiceInterceptorContribution) interceptors


        // Whatever's on top is the final service.

        return stack.peek();
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Related Classes of org.apache.hivemind.impl.InterceptorStackImpl

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