Package org.apache.hedwig.exceptions.PubSubException

Examples of org.apache.hedwig.exceptions.PubSubException.ServiceDownException

            asyncSubUnsub(topic, subscriberId, pubSubCallback, null, operationType, createOrAttach);
            try {
                while (!pubSubData.isDone)
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new ServiceDownException("Interrupted Exception while waiting for async subUnsub call");
            // Check from the PubSubCallback if it was successful or not.
            if (!pubSubCallback.getIsCallSuccessful()) {
                // See what the exception was that was thrown when the operation
                // failed.
                PubSubException failureException = pubSubCallback.getFailureException();
                if (failureException == null) {
                    // This should not happen as the operation failed but a null
                    // PubSubException was passed. Log a warning message but
                    // throw a generic ServiceDownException.
                    logger.error("Sync SubUnsub operation failed but no PubSubException was passed!");
                    throw new ServiceDownException("Server ack response to SubUnsub request is not successful");
                // For the expected exceptions that could occur, just rethrow
                // them.
                else if (failureException instanceof CouldNotConnectException)
                    throw (CouldNotConnectException) failureException;
                else if (failureException instanceof ClientAlreadySubscribedException)
                    throw (ClientAlreadySubscribedException) failureException;
                else if (failureException instanceof ClientNotSubscribedException)
                    throw (ClientNotSubscribedException) failureException;
                else if (failureException instanceof ServiceDownException)
                    throw (ServiceDownException) failureException;
                else {
                    logger.error("Unexpected PubSubException thrown: " + failureException.toString());
                    // Throw a generic ServiceDownException but wrap the
                    // original PubSubException within it.
                    throw new ServiceDownException(failureException);
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        } catch (ClientNotSubscribedException e) {
            logger.error("Unexpected Exception thrown: " + e.toString());
            // This exception should never be thrown here. But just in case,
            // throw a generic ServiceDownException but wrap the original
            // Exception within it.
            throw new ServiceDownException(e);
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    protected void asyncSubscribe(ByteString topic, ByteString subscriberId, CreateOrAttach mode,
                                  Callback<Void> callback, Object context, boolean isHub) {
        // Validate that the format of the subscriberId is valid either as a
        // local or hub subscriber.
        if (!isValidSubscriberId(subscriberId, isHub)) {
            callback.operationFailed(context, new ServiceDownException(new InvalidSubscriberIdException(
                                         "SubscriberId passed is not valid: " + subscriberId.toStringUtf8() + ", isHub: " + isHub)));
        asyncSubUnsub(topic, subscriberId, callback, context, OperationType.SUBSCRIBE, mode);
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        } catch (ClientAlreadySubscribedException e) {
            logger.error("Unexpected Exception thrown: " + e.toString());
            // This exception should never be thrown here. But just in case,
            // throw a generic ServiceDownException but wrap the original
            // Exception within it.
            throw new ServiceDownException(e);
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    protected void asyncUnsubscribe(final ByteString topic, final ByteString subscriberId,
                                    final Callback<Void> callback, final Object context, boolean isHub) {
        // Validate that the format of the subscriberId is valid either as a
        // local or hub subscriber.
        if (!isValidSubscriberId(subscriberId, isHub)) {
            callback.operationFailed(context, new ServiceDownException(new InvalidSubscriberIdException(
                                         "SubscriberId passed is not valid: " + subscriberId.toStringUtf8() + ", isHub: " + isHub)));
        // Asynchronously close the subscription. On the callback to that
        // operation once it completes, post the async unsubscribe request.
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            asyncCloseSubscription(topic, subscriberId, pubSubCallback, null);
            try {
                while (!pubSubData.isDone)
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new ServiceDownException("Interrupted Exception while waiting for asyncCloseSubscription call");
            // Check from the PubSubCallback if it was successful or not.
            if (!pubSubCallback.getIsCallSuccessful()) {
                throw new ServiceDownException("Exception while trying to close the subscription for topic: "
                                               + topic.toStringUtf8() + ", subscriberId: " + subscriberId.toStringUtf8());
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                public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception {
                    if (!future.isSuccess()) {
                        logger.error("Failed to close the subscription channel for topic: " + topic.toStringUtf8()
                                     + ", subscriberId: " + subscriberId.toStringUtf8());
                        callback.operationFailed(context, new ServiceDownException(
                                                     "Failed to close the subscription channel for topic: " + topic.toStringUtf8()
                                                     + ", subscriberId: " + subscriberId.toStringUtf8()));
                    } else {
                        callback.operationFinished(context, null);
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        Object ctx = request.getCtx();
        ByteString topic = request.getTopic();
        Message message = request.getMessage();

        if (conn == null) {
            callback.operationFailed(ctx, new ServiceDownException("Not connected to derby"));

        long seqId;

        try {
            seqId = adjustTopicSeqIdForPublish(topic, message);
        } catch (UnexpectedConditionException e) {
            callback.operationFailed(ctx, e);
        PreparedStatement stmt;

        boolean triedCreatingTable = false;
        while (true) {
            try {
                stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + getTableNameForTopic(topic) + " VALUES(?,?)");
                stmt.setLong(1, seqId);
                stmt.setBlob(2, new SerialBlob(message.toByteArray()));

                int rowCount = stmt.executeUpdate();
                if (rowCount != 1) {
                    logger.error("Unexpected number of affected rows from derby");
                    callback.operationFailed(ctx, new ServiceDownException("Unexpected response from derby"));
            } catch (SQLException sqle) {
                String theError = (sqle).getSQLState();
                if (theError.equals("42X05") && !triedCreatingTable) {
                    createTable(conn, topic);
                    triedCreatingTable = true;

                logger.error("Error while executing derby insert", sqle);
                callback.operationFailed(ctx, new ServiceDownException(sqle));
        callback.operationFinished(ctx, seqId);
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                                      ScanCallback callback, Object ctx, int scanChunk) {

        Connection conn = threadLocalConnection.get();

        if (conn == null) {
            callback.scanFailed(ctx, new ServiceDownException("Not connected to derby"));

        long currentSeqId;
        currentSeqId = startSeqId;

        PreparedStatement stmt;
        try {
            try {
                stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + getTableNameForTopic(topic) + " WHERE " + ID_FIELD_NAME
                                             + " >= ?  AND " + ID_FIELD_NAME + " <= ?");

            } catch (SQLException sqle) {
                String theError = (sqle).getSQLState();
                if (theError.equals("42X05")) {
                    // No table, scan is over
                    callback.scanFinished(ctx, ReasonForFinish.NO_MORE_MESSAGES);
                } else {
                    throw sqle;

            int numMessages = 0;
            long totalSize = 0;

            while (true) {

                stmt.setLong(1, currentSeqId);
                stmt.setLong(2, currentSeqId + scanChunk);

                if (!stmt.execute()) {
                    String errorMsg = "Select query did not return a result set";
                    callback.scanFailed(ctx, new ServiceDownException(errorMsg));

                ResultSet resultSet = stmt.getResultSet();

                if (! {
                    callback.scanFinished(ctx, ReasonForFinish.NO_MORE_MESSAGES);

                do {

                    long localSeqId = resultSet.getLong(1);

                    Message.Builder messageBuilder = Message.newBuilder().mergeFrom(resultSet.getBinaryStream(2));

                    // Merge in the local seq-id since that is not stored with
                    // the message
                    Message message = MessageIdUtils.mergeLocalSeqId(messageBuilder, localSeqId);

                    callback.messageScanned(ctx, message);
                    totalSize += message.getBody().size();

                    if (numMessages > messageLimit) {
                        callback.scanFinished(ctx, ReasonForFinish.NUM_MESSAGES_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
                    } else if (totalSize > sizeLimit) {
                        callback.scanFinished(ctx, ReasonForFinish.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);

                } while (;

                currentSeqId += SCAN_CHUNK;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            logger.error("SQL Exception", e);
            callback.scanFailed(ctx, new ServiceDownException(e));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("Message stored in derby is not parseable", e);
            callback.scanFailed(ctx, new ServiceDownException(e));

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            asyncPublish(topic, msg, pubSubCallback, null);
            try {
                while (!pubSubData.isDone)
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new ServiceDownException("Interrupted Exception while waiting for async publish call");
            // Check from the PubSubCallback if it was successful or not.
            if (!pubSubCallback.getIsCallSuccessful()) {
                // See what the exception was that was thrown when the operation
                // failed.
                PubSubException failureException = pubSubCallback.getFailureException();
                if (failureException == null) {
                    // This should not happen as the operation failed but a null
                    // PubSubException was passed. Log a warning message but
                    // throw a generic ServiceDownException.
                    logger.error("Sync Publish operation failed but no PubSubException was passed!");
                    throw new ServiceDownException("Server ack response to publish request is not successful");
                // For the expected exceptions that could occur, just rethrow
                // them.
                else if (failureException instanceof CouldNotConnectException) {
                    throw (CouldNotConnectException) failureException;
                } else if (failureException instanceof ServiceDownException) {
                    throw (ServiceDownException) failureException;
                } else {
                    // For other types of PubSubExceptions, just throw a generic
                    // ServiceDownException but log a warning message.
                    logger.error("Unexpected exception type when a sync publish operation failed: " + failureException);
                    throw new ServiceDownException("Server ack response to publish request is not successful");
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Related Classes of org.apache.hedwig.exceptions.PubSubException.ServiceDownException

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