ByteString hostString = ByteString.copyFromUtf8(HedwigSocketAddress.sockAddrStr(host));
if (pubSubData.connectFailedServers != null && pubSubData.connectFailedServers.contains(hostString)) {
// We've already tried to connect to this host before so just
// invoke the operationFailed callback.
logger.error("Error connecting to host more than once so just invoke the operationFailed callback!");
pubSubData.callback.operationFailed(pubSubData.context, new CouldNotConnectException(
"Could not connect to host: " + host));
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Try to connect to server: " + host + " again for pubSubData: " + pubSubData);
// Keep track of this current server that we failed to connect