Package org.apache.harmony.jretools.policytool.model

Examples of org.apache.harmony.jretools.policytool.model.GrantEntry

     * };
     * </pre>
     * @throws InvalidPolicyTextException thrown if invalid grant entry syntax is detected
    private void parseGrantEntry() throws InvalidPolicyTextException {
        final GrantEntry grantEntry = new GrantEntry();

        newIndex = firstLastTokenIndices[ 1 ];

        boolean firstIteration = true;
        char    nextChar;
        // First we parse the grant parameters such as signedBy, codeBase and the principals.
        while ( ( nextChar = peekNextNonWhiteSpaceChar( newIndex ) ) != '{' ) {

            if ( firstIteration )
                firstIteration = false;
                if ( nextChar != ',' )
                    throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Was expecting comma but found something else!" );
                    newIndex = skipWhiteSpaces( newIndex ) + 1;

            final int[] paramNameIndices = peekTokenAhead( newIndex );
            if ( paramNameIndices == null )
                throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Incomplete grant entry!" );
            final String loweredParamName = policyText.substring( paramNameIndices[ 0 ], paramNameIndices[ 1 ] ).toLowerCase();

            if ( loweredParamName.equals( "signedby" ) ) {
                final int[] paramValueIndices = peekQuotedStringAhead( paramNameIndices[ 1 ] );
                if ( paramValueIndices == null )
                    throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Incomplete keystore entry, found no quoted string for signedBy!" );
                if ( grantEntry.getSignedBy() != null )
                    throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Invalid keystore entry, only 1 signedBy allowed!" );
                if ( grantEntry.getCodeBase() != null || !grantEntry.getPrincipalList().isEmpty() )
                    throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Invalid keystore entry, signedBy cannot be after codeBase or principals!" );
                grantEntry.setSignedBy( policyText.substring( paramValueIndices[ 0 ] + 1, paramValueIndices[ 1 ] - 1 ) );
                newIndex = paramValueIndices[ 1 ];
            else if ( loweredParamName.equals( "codebase" ) ) {
                final int[] firstLastParamValueIndices = peekQuotedStringAhead( paramNameIndices[ 1 ] );
                if ( firstLastParamValueIndices == null )
                    throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Incomplete keystore entry, found no quoted string for codeBase!" );
                if ( grantEntry.getCodeBase() != null )
                    throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Invalid keystore entry, only 1 codeBase allowed!" );
                if ( !grantEntry.getPrincipalList().isEmpty() )
                    throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Invalid keystore entry, signedBy cannot be after principals!" );
                grantEntry.setCodeBase( policyText.substring( firstLastParamValueIndices[ 0 ] + 1, firstLastParamValueIndices[ 1 ] - 1 ) );
                newIndex = firstLastParamValueIndices[ 1 ];
            else if ( loweredParamName.equals( "principal" ) ) {
                final int[] classNameIndices = peekTokenAhead( paramNameIndices[ 1 ] );
                if ( classNameIndices == null || policyTextChars[ classNameIndices[ 0 ] ] == '{' )
                    throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Invalid grant entry, found no class name for principal!" );

                final int[] principalNameIndices = peekQuotedStringAhead( classNameIndices[ 1 ] );
                if ( principalNameIndices == null )
                    throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Invalid grant entry, found no name for principal!" );

                final Principal principal = new Principal();
                principal.setType( policyText.substring( classNameIndices[ 0 ], classNameIndices[ 1 ] ) );
                principal.setName( policyText.substring( principalNameIndices[ 0 ] + 1, principalNameIndices[ 1 ] - 1 ) );
                grantEntry.getPrincipalList().add( principal );

                newIndex = principalNameIndices[ 1 ];

        newIndex = policyText.indexOf( '{', newIndex ) + 1;

        // Now permissions what we have left
        while ( ( nextChar = peekNextNonWhiteSpaceChar( newIndex ) ) != '}' ) {

            final int[] keywordIndices = peekTokenAhead( newIndex );
            if ( keywordIndices == null )
                throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Incomplete grant entry!" );
            final String loweredKeyword = policyText.substring( keywordIndices[ 0 ], keywordIndices[ 1 ] ).toLowerCase();

            if ( !loweredKeyword.equals( "permission" ) )
                throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Incomplete grant entry, was expecting permission but found something else!" );

            final int[] classNameIndices = peekTokenAhead( keywordIndices[ 1 ] );
            if ( classNameIndices == null || policyTextChars[ classNameIndices[ 0 ] ] == '}' )
                throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Invalid grant entry, found no class name for permission!" );
            if ( classNameIndices[ 1 ] - classNameIndices[ 0 ] == 0 ) {
                if ( policyTextChars[ classNameIndices[ 0 ] ] == ',' || policyTextChars[ classNameIndices[ 0 ] ] == PolicyEntry.TERMINATOR_CHAR ) // Class name is only a comma or a semicolon
                    throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Invalid grant entry, found no class name for permission!" );
            else {
                if ( policyTextChars[ classNameIndices[ 1 ] - 1 ] == ',' || policyTextChars[ classNameIndices[ 1 ] - ] == PolicyEntry.TERMINATOR_CHAR )
                    classNameIndices[ 1 ]--; // Class name is more than 1 character long and comma or semicolon is at its end; we step back from it

            int[] targetNameIndices = null;
            int[] actionsIndices    = null;
            int[] signedByIndices   = null;

            nextChar = peekNextNonWhiteSpaceChar( classNameIndices[ 1 ] );
            if ( nextChar != PolicyEntry.TERMINATOR_CHAR ) {
                if ( nextChar != ',' ) {
                    // There must be a target name here!
                    targetNameIndices = peekQuotedStringAhead( classNameIndices[ 1 ] );
                    if ( targetNameIndices == null )
                        throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Invalid grant entry, found no name for permission!" );

                newIndex = targetNameIndices == null ? classNameIndices[ 1 ] : targetNameIndices[ 1 ];
                nextChar = peekNextNonWhiteSpaceChar( newIndex );
                if ( nextChar != PolicyEntry.TERMINATOR_CHAR ) {
                    if ( nextChar != ',' )
                        throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Was expecting semicolon but found something else!" );

                    newIndex = skipWhiteSpaces( newIndex );
                    nextChar = peekNextNonWhiteSpaceChar( newIndex + 1 );
                    if ( nextChar == '"' ) { // actions are specified
                        actionsIndices = peekQuotedStringAhead( newIndex + 1 );
                        if ( actionsIndices == null )
                            throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Incomplete keystore entry, found no quoted string for permission actions!" );
                        newIndex = actionsIndices[ 1 ];

                    nextChar = peekNextNonWhiteSpaceChar( newIndex );
                    if ( nextChar != PolicyEntry.TERMINATOR_CHAR ) {
                        if ( nextChar != ',' )
                            throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Was expecting semicolon but found something else!" );
                        final int[] signedByKeywordIndices = peekTokenAhead( skipWhiteSpaces( newIndex ) + 1 );
                        final String loweredSignedByKeyword = policyText.substring( signedByKeywordIndices[ 0 ], signedByKeywordIndices[ 1 ] ).toLowerCase();

                        if ( !loweredSignedByKeyword.equals( "signedby" ) )
                            throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Incomplete grant entry, was expecting signedBy but found something else!" );

                        signedByIndices = peekQuotedStringAhead( signedByKeywordIndices[ 1 ] );
                        if ( signedByIndices == null )
                            throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Incomplete keystore entry, found no quoted string for permission signedBy!" );

                        if ( peekNextNonWhiteSpaceChar( signedByIndices[ 1 ] ) != PolicyEntry.TERMINATOR_CHAR )
                            throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Was expecting semicolon but found something else!" );
                            newIndex = skipWhiteSpaces( signedByIndices[ 1 ] ) + 1;
                        newIndex = skipWhiteSpaces( newIndex ) + 1;
                    newIndex = skipWhiteSpaces( newIndex ) + 1;
                newIndex = skipWhiteSpaces( classNameIndices[ 1 ] ) + 1;

            final Permission permission = new Permission();
            permission.setClassName( policyText.substring( classNameIndices[ 0 ], classNameIndices[ 1 ] ) );
            if ( targetNameIndices != null )
                permission.setTargetName( policyText.substring( targetNameIndices[ 0 ] + 1, targetNameIndices[ 1 ] - 1 ) );
            if ( actionsIndices != null )
                permission.setActions( policyText.substring( actionsIndices[ 0 ] + 1, actionsIndices[ 1 ] - 1 ) );
            if ( signedByIndices != null )
                permission.setSignedBy( policyText.substring( signedByIndices[ 0 ] + 1, signedByIndices[ 1 ] - 1 ) );
            grantEntry.getPermissionList().add( permission );

        newIndex = skipWhiteSpaces( newIndex ) + 1; // index of '}' + 1 (comments skipped)
        if ( peekNextNonWhiteSpaceChar( newIndex ) != PolicyEntry.TERMINATOR_CHAR )
            throw new InvalidPolicyTextException( "Was expecting semicolon but found something else!" );
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        super( ownerFrame, "Policy Entry", ownerEditorPanel );

        this.initialGrantEntry = grantEntry;
        this.policyEntryList   = policyEntryList;

        newGrantEntry = initialGrantEntry == null ? new GrantEntry() : null;
        tempPrincipalList  = deepclonePrincipalList ( ( initialGrantEntry == null ? newGrantEntry : initialGrantEntry ).getPrincipalList () );
        tempPermissionList = deepclonePermissionList( ( initialGrantEntry == null ? newGrantEntry : initialGrantEntry ).getPermissionList() );

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            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, errorStringBuilder.toString(), "Error!", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
        // validation end

        final GrantEntry grantEntry = initialGrantEntry == null ? newGrantEntry : initialGrantEntry;

        grantEntry.setCodeBase      ( codeBaseTextField.getText() );
        grantEntry.setSignedBy      ( signedByTextField.getText() );
        grantEntry.setPrincipalList ( tempPrincipalList           );
        grantEntry.setPermissionList( tempPermissionList          );

        if ( initialGrantEntry == null ) {
            policyEntryList.add( grantEntry );
            listModel.addElement( grantEntry );
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Related Classes of org.apache.harmony.jretools.policytool.model.GrantEntry

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