{"400", "proc4", "100", "100", "100", "400000", "400"});
writeStatFiles(procfsRootDir, pids, procInfos);
// crank up the process tree class.
ProcfsBasedProcessTree processTree =
createProcessTree("100", procfsRootDir.getAbsolutePath());
// build the process tree.
// verify cumulative memory
Assert.assertEquals("Cumulative memory does not match",
700000L, processTree.getCumulativeVmem());
// write one more process as child of 100.
String[] newPids = { "500" };
setupPidDirs(procfsRootDir, newPids);
ProcessStatInfo[] newProcInfos = new ProcessStatInfo[1];
newProcInfos[0] = new ProcessStatInfo(new String[]
{"500", "proc5", "100", "100", "100", "500000", "500"});
writeStatFiles(procfsRootDir, newPids, newProcInfos);
// check memory includes the new process.
Assert.assertEquals("Cumulative vmem does not include new process",
1200000L, processTree.getCumulativeVmem());
long cumuRssMem = ProcfsBasedProcessTree.PAGE_SIZE > 0 ?
1200L * ProcfsBasedProcessTree.PAGE_SIZE : 0L;
Assert.assertEquals("Cumulative rssmem does not include new process",
cumuRssMem, processTree.getCumulativeRssmem());
// however processes older than 1 iteration will retain the older value
Assert.assertEquals("Cumulative vmem shouldn't have included new process",
700000L, processTree.getCumulativeVmem(1));
cumuRssMem = ProcfsBasedProcessTree.PAGE_SIZE > 0 ?
700L * ProcfsBasedProcessTree.PAGE_SIZE : 0L;
Assert.assertEquals("Cumulative rssmem shouldn't have included new process",
cumuRssMem, processTree.getCumulativeRssmem(1));
// one more process
newPids = new String[]{ "600" };
setupPidDirs(procfsRootDir, newPids);
newProcInfos = new ProcessStatInfo[1];
newProcInfos[0] = new ProcessStatInfo(new String[]
{"600", "proc6", "100", "100", "100", "600000", "600"});
writeStatFiles(procfsRootDir, newPids, newProcInfos);
// refresh process tree
// processes older than 2 iterations should be same as before.
Assert.assertEquals("Cumulative vmem shouldn't have included new processes",
700000L, processTree.getCumulativeVmem(2));
cumuRssMem = ProcfsBasedProcessTree.PAGE_SIZE > 0 ?
700L * ProcfsBasedProcessTree.PAGE_SIZE : 0L;
Assert.assertEquals("Cumulative rssmem shouldn't have included new processes",
cumuRssMem, processTree.getCumulativeRssmem(2));
// processes older than 1 iteration should not include new process,
// but include process 500
Assert.assertEquals("Cumulative vmem shouldn't have included new processes",
1200000L, processTree.getCumulativeVmem(1));
cumuRssMem = ProcfsBasedProcessTree.PAGE_SIZE > 0 ?
1200L * ProcfsBasedProcessTree.PAGE_SIZE : 0L;
Assert.assertEquals("Cumulative rssmem shouldn't have included new processes",
cumuRssMem, processTree.getCumulativeRssmem(1));
// no processes older than 3 iterations, this should be 0
Assert.assertEquals("Getting non-zero vmem for processes older than 3 iterations",
0L, processTree.getCumulativeVmem(3));
Assert.assertEquals("Getting non-zero rssmem for processes older than 3 iterations",
0L, processTree.getCumulativeRssmem(3));
} finally {