this.clusterCapacity = clusterCapacity;
public int compare(Schedulable s1, Schedulable s2) {
ResourceWeights sharesOfCluster1 = new ResourceWeights();
ResourceWeights sharesOfCluster2 = new ResourceWeights();
ResourceWeights sharesOfMinShare1 = new ResourceWeights();
ResourceWeights sharesOfMinShare2 = new ResourceWeights();
ResourceType[] resourceOrder1 = new ResourceType[NUM_RESOURCES];
ResourceType[] resourceOrder2 = new ResourceType[NUM_RESOURCES];
// Calculate shares of the cluster for each resource both schedulables.
clusterCapacity, sharesOfCluster1, resourceOrder1, s1.getWeights());
s1.getMinShare(), sharesOfMinShare1, null, ResourceWeights.NEUTRAL);
clusterCapacity, sharesOfCluster2, resourceOrder2, s2.getWeights());
s2.getMinShare(), sharesOfMinShare2, null, ResourceWeights.NEUTRAL);
// A queue is needy for its min share if its dominant resource
// (with respect to the cluster capacity) is below its configured min share
// for that resource
boolean s1Needy = sharesOfMinShare1.getWeight(resourceOrder1[0]) < 1.0f;
boolean s2Needy = sharesOfMinShare2.getWeight(resourceOrder2[0]) < 1.0f;
int res = 0;
if (!s2Needy && !s1Needy) {
res = compareShares(sharesOfCluster1, sharesOfCluster2,
resourceOrder1, resourceOrder2);