byte[] first = null;
if (fromId != null) {
Long fromIdStartTime = getStartTimeLong(fromId, entityType);
if (fromIdStartTime == null) {
// no start time for provided id, so return empty entities
return new TimelineEntities();
if (fromIdStartTime <= endtime) {
// if provided id's start time falls before the end of the window,
// use it to construct the seek key
first = kb.add(writeReverseOrderedLong(fromIdStartTime))
// if seek key wasn't constructed using fromId, construct it using end ts
if (first == null) {
first = kb.add(writeReverseOrderedLong(endtime)).getBytesForLookup();
byte[] last = null;
if (starttime != null) {
// if start time is not null, set a last key that will not be
// iterated past
last = KeyBuilder.newInstance().add(base).add(entityType)
if (limit == null) {
// if limit is not specified, use the default
TimelineEntities entities = new TimelineEntities();
iterator = db.iterator();;
// iterate until one of the following conditions is met: limit is
// reached, there are no more keys, the key prefix no longer matches,
// or a start time has been specified and reached/exceeded
while (entities.getEntities().size() < limit && iterator.hasNext()) {
byte[] key = iterator.peekNext().getKey();
if (!prefixMatches(prefix, prefix.length, key) || (last != null &&
WritableComparator.compareBytes(key, 0, key.length, last, 0,
last.length) > 0)) {
// read the start time and entity id from the current key
KeyParser kp = new KeyParser(key, prefix.length);
Long startTime = kp.getNextLong();
String entityId = kp.getNextString();
if (fromTs != null) {
long insertTime = readReverseOrderedLong(iterator.peekNext()
.getValue(), 0);
if (insertTime > fromTs) {
byte[] firstKey = key;
while (iterator.hasNext() && prefixMatches(firstKey,
kp.getOffset(), key)) {;
key = iterator.peekNext().getKey();
// parse the entity that owns this key, iterating over all keys for
// the entity
TimelineEntity entity = getEntity(entityId, entityType, startTime,
fields, iterator, key, kp.getOffset());
// determine if the retrieved entity matches the provided secondary
// filters, and if so add it to the list of entities to return
boolean filterPassed = true;
if (secondaryFilters != null) {
for (NameValuePair filter : secondaryFilters) {
Object v = entity.getOtherInfo().get(filter.getName());
if (v == null) {
Set<Object> vs = entity.getPrimaryFilters()
if (vs != null && !vs.contains(filter.getValue())) {
filterPassed = false;
} else if (!v.equals(filter.getValue())) {
filterPassed = false;
if (filterPassed) {
return entities;
} finally {
IOUtils.cleanup(LOG, iterator);