long[] specInputBytes = new long[runTasks.length];
long[] specOutputRecords = new long[runTasks.length];
long[] specOutputBytes = new long[runTasks.length];
for (int i = 0; i < runTasks.length; ++i) {
final TaskInfo specInfo;
final Counters counters = runTasks[i].getTaskCounters();
switch (type) {
case MAP:
runInputBytes[i] = counters.findCounter("FileSystemCounters",
"HDFS_BYTES_READ").getValue() -
runInputRecords[i] =
runOutputBytes[i] =
runOutputRecords[i] =
specInfo = spec.getTaskInfo(TaskType.MAP, i);
specInputRecords[i] = specInfo.getInputRecords();
specInputBytes[i] = specInfo.getInputBytes();
specOutputRecords[i] = specInfo.getOutputRecords();
specOutputBytes[i] = specInfo.getOutputBytes();
System.out.printf(type + " SPEC: %9d -> %9d :: %5d -> %5d\n",
specInputBytes[i], specOutputBytes[i],
specInputRecords[i], specOutputRecords[i]);
System.out.printf(type + " RUN: %9d -> %9d :: %5d -> %5d\n",
runInputBytes[i], runOutputBytes[i],
runInputRecords[i], runOutputRecords[i]);
case REDUCE:
runInputBytes[i] = 0;
runInputRecords[i] =
runOutputBytes[i] =
runOutputRecords[i] =
specInfo = spec.getTaskInfo(TaskType.REDUCE, i);
// There is no reliable counter for reduce input bytes. The
// variable-length encoding of intermediate records and other noise
// make this quantity difficult to estimate. The shuffle and spec
// input bytes are included in debug output for reference, but are
// not checked
specInputBytes[i] = 0;
specInputRecords[i] = specInfo.getInputRecords();
specOutputRecords[i] = specInfo.getOutputRecords();
specOutputBytes[i] = specInfo.getOutputBytes();
System.out.printf(type + " SPEC: (%9d) -> %9d :: %5d -> %5d\n",
specInfo.getInputBytes(), specOutputBytes[i],
specInputRecords[i], specOutputRecords[i]);
System.out.printf(type + " RUN: (%9d) -> %9d :: %5d -> %5d\n",
runOutputBytes[i], runInputRecords[i], runOutputRecords[i]);