try {
// Loop over stripe
boolean redo;
while (sReader.hasNext()) {
StripeInputInfo stripeInputInfo = null;
InputStream[] blocks = null;
// Create input streams for blocks in the stripe.
long currentStripeIdx = sReader.getCurrentStripeIdx();
stripeInputInfo = sReader.getNextStripeInputs();
// The offset of first temporary output stream
long encodeStartOffset = out.getPos();
int retry = 3;
do {
redo = false;
retry --;
try {
blocks = stripeInputInfo.getInputs();
CRC32[] curCRCOuts = new CRC32[codec.parityLength];
if (crcOuts != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < codec.parityLength; i++) {
crcOuts[finishedParityBlockIdx + i] = curCRCOuts[i]
= new CRC32();
// Create output streams to the temp files.
for (int i = 0; i < codec.parityLength - 1; i++) {
tmpOuts[i + 1] = new FileOutputStream(tmpFiles[i]);
// Call the implementation of encoding.
encodeStripe(blocks, blockSize, tmpOuts, curCRCOuts, reporter,
true, errorLocations);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (out.getPos() > encodeStartOffset) {
// Partial data is already written, throw the exception
throw e;
// try to fix the missing block in the stripe using stripe store.
if ((e instanceof BlockMissingException ||
e instanceof ChecksumException) && codec.isDirRaid) {
if (retry <= 0) {
throw e;
redo = true;
CorruptBlockReconstructor constructor =
new CorruptBlockReconstructor(conf);
Set<Path> srcPaths = new HashSet<Path>();
for (int idx : errorLocations) {
Path srcPath = stripeInputInfo.getSrcPaths()[idx];
if (srcPath != null) {