public void testMultipleFailedTasks() throws Exception {
JobHistoryParser parser =
new JobHistoryParser(Mockito.mock(FSDataInputStream.class));
EventReader reader = Mockito.mock(EventReader.class);
final AtomicInteger numEventsRead = new AtomicInteger(0); // Hack!
final org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskType taskType =
final TaskID[] tids = new TaskID[2];
final JobID jid = new JobID("1", 1);
tids[0] = new TaskID(jid, taskType, 0);
tids[1] = new TaskID(jid, taskType, 1);
new Answer<HistoryEvent>() {
public HistoryEvent answer(InvocationOnMock invocation)
throws IOException {
// send two task start and two task fail events for tasks 0 and 1
int eventId = numEventsRead.getAndIncrement();