// loop through the list of task statuses
for (TaskStatus report : status.getTaskReports()) {
TaskAttemptID taskAttemptId = report.getTaskID();
SimulatorJobInProgress job = getSimulatorJob(taskAttemptId.getJobID());
if(job ==null) {
// This job has completed before.
// and this is a zombie reduce-task
Set<JobID> jobsToCleanup = trackerToJobsToCleanup.get(trackerName);
if (jobsToCleanup == null) {
jobsToCleanup = new HashSet<JobID>();
trackerToJobsToCleanup.put(trackerName, jobsToCleanup);
JobStatus jobStatus = job.getStatus();
TaskInProgress tip = taskidToTIPMap.get(taskAttemptId);
// if the job is running, attempt is running
// no KillTask is being sent for this attempt
// task is a reduce and attempt is in shuffle phase
// this precludes sending both KillTask and AllMapsCompletion
// for same reduce-attempt
if (jobStatus.getRunState()== JobStatus.RUNNING &&
tip.isRunningTask(taskAttemptId) &&
!killedTasks.contains(taskAttemptId) &&
!report.getIsMap() &&
report.getPhase() == TaskStatus.Phase.SHUFFLE) {
if (loggingEnabled) {
LOG.debug("Need map-completion information for REDUCEattempt "
+ taskAttemptId + " in tracker " + trackerName);
LOG.debug("getMapCompletion: job=" + job.getJobID() + " pendingMaps="
+ job.pendingMaps());
// Check whether the number of finishedMaps equals the
// number of maps
boolean canSendMapCompletion = false;
canSendMapCompletion = (job.finishedMaps()==job.desiredMaps());
if (canSendMapCompletion) {
if (loggingEnabled) {
LOG.debug("Adding MapCompletion for taskAttempt " + taskAttemptId
+ " in tracker " + trackerName);
LOG.debug("FinishedMaps for job:" + job.getJobID() + " is = "
+ job.finishedMaps() + "/" + job.desiredMaps());
LOG.debug("AllMapsCompleted for task " + taskAttemptId + " time="
+ getClock().getTime());
actions.add(new AllMapsCompletedTaskAction(taskAttemptId));