for(AuthorizableType key: requiredInputPrivileges.keySet()) {
for (List<DBModelAuthorizable> inputHierarchy : inputHierarchyList) {
if (getAuthzType(inputHierarchy).equals(key)) {
found = true;
if (!authProvider.hasAccess(subject, inputHierarchy, requiredInputPrivileges.get(key), activeRoleSet)) {
throw new AuthorizationException("User " + subject.getName() +
" does not have privileges for " +;
if(!found && !(key.equals(AuthorizableType.URI)) && !(hiveOp.equals(HiveOperation.QUERY))) {
//URI privileges are optional for some privileges: anyPrivilege, tableDDLAndOptionalUriPrivilege
//Query can mean select/insert/analyze where all of them have different required privileges.
//For these alone we skip if there is no equivalent input privilege
//TODO: Even this case should be handled to make sure we do not skip the privilege check if we did not build
//the input privileges correctly
throw new AuthorizationException("Required privilege( " + + ") not available in input privileges");
found = false;
for(AuthorizableType key: requiredOutputPrivileges.keySet()) {
for (List<DBModelAuthorizable> outputHierarchy : outputHierarchyList) {
if (getAuthzType(outputHierarchy).equals(key)) {
found = true;
if (!authProvider.hasAccess(subject, outputHierarchy, requiredOutputPrivileges.get(key), activeRoleSet)) {
throw new AuthorizationException("User " + subject.getName() +
" does not have privileges for " +;
if(!found && !(key.equals(AuthorizableType.URI)) && !(hiveOp.equals(HiveOperation.QUERY))) {
//URI privileges are optional for some privileges: tableInsertPrivilege
//Query can mean select/insert/analyze where all of them have different required privileges.
//For these alone we skip if there is no equivalent output privilege
//TODO: Even this case should be handled to make sure we do not skip the privilege check if we did not build
//the output privileges correctly
throw new AuthorizationException("Required privilege( " + + ") not available in output privileges");
found = false;