// compute keys and values as StandardObjects
ReusableGetAdaptor firstSetKey = null;
int fieldCount = joinKeys[alias].size();
boolean joinNeeded = false;
for (byte pos = 0; pos < order.length; pos++) {
if (pos != alias) {
ReusableGetAdaptor adaptor;
if (firstSetKey == null) {
adaptor = firstSetKey = hashMapRowGetters[pos];
setMapJoinKey(firstSetKey, row, alias);
} else {
// Keys for all tables are the same, so only the first has to deserialize them.
adaptor = hashMapRowGetters[pos];
MapJoinRowContainer rowContainer = adaptor.getCurrentRows();
if (rowContainer != null && unwrapContainer[pos] != null) {
Object[] currentKey = firstSetKey.getCurrentKey();
rowContainer = unwrapContainer[pos].setInternal(rowContainer, currentKey);
// there is no join-value or join-key has all null elements