private void computeContentSummary4Snapshot(final Content.Counts counts) {
// file length and diskspace only counted for the latest state of the file
// i.e. either the current state or the last snapshot
if (this instanceof FileWithSnapshot) {
final FileWithSnapshot withSnapshot = (FileWithSnapshot)this;
final FileDiffList diffs = withSnapshot.getDiffs();
final int n = diffs.asList().size();
counts.add(Content.FILE, n);
if (n > 0 && withSnapshot.isCurrentFileDeleted()) {
counts.add(Content.LENGTH, diffs.getLast().getFileSize());
if (withSnapshot.isCurrentFileDeleted()) {
final long lastFileSize = diffs.getLast().getFileSize();
counts.add(Content.DISKSPACE, lastFileSize * getBlockReplication());